Wednesday 12 October 2011


Ever noticed something in a photo that you weren't aware of at the time it was taken?  Have a look at this picture snapped back in 1996 at my local BOOTS The CHEMISTS.  There I am, in all my rugged, manly handsomeness, next to a display for the new video (remember them?) release of the Dr. WHO television movie starring thespian PAUL McGANN.  But wait... isn't that a DALEK's head in the background, protruding upside down from the ceiling?  Like I said somewhere before, those Daleks get everywhere.


  1. Are you sure your weren't auditioning for the role of Dr?

  2. Auditioning for the role of someone NEEDING a doctor, more like.

  3. That’s amazing. Designed by a Dr Who fan? I like to think so.

  4. Yeah, that would be cool if it were so.


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