Friday 3 December 2010


Copyright BBC TV

Forget all the pretenders who have impersonated him since, because there's only ever been one DOCTOR WHO in my book - and that's the real one - WILLIAM HARTNELL.  Which is not to say that some of the many other actors who assumed the role down through the years didn't do a creditable job, but - for my money - the definitive version of the Doctor was portrayed by dear old Bill.

Was his Doctor a goodie or a baddie?  In the early episodes it wasn't quite clear which side he was on - apart from his own, of course - and this only added to the mystery and intrigue of the character.

The Doc made his debut on Saturday, 23rd November, 1963 - just over 47 years ago. So, as a special treat, here's the front cover of the very first DOCTOR WHO ANNUAL from 1965 (for 1966).  The artist, WALTER HOWARTH, obviously worked from a photo of Hartnell for reference because the likeness is spot-on.  It's just a shame that he wasn't also given a photo of a police box, as that's the worst looking TARDIS I've seen in my life.  You could ski off that roof - and where's the flashing light?  And there should definitely have been a DALEK on that cover!

Oh well, never mind - can't have everything I suppose.


  1. "And there should definitely have been a DALEK on that cover!"

    Given what a hit the Daleks were, Terry Nation might have wanted too much money for them to be able to appear.

    B smith

  2. Money very likely had something to do with it, but remember, there were DALEK annuals around at the same time, so they were a big draw. It might have been worth the extra cost to have Daleks on the cover as it may well have sold more copies of the book.

  3. Do you know anything about an alternative first Dr . Who annual , which featured some comic strips ? My Mother ordered one for me out of the catalogue , but instead they sent this book . I have seen odd copies of the other one on Amazon & EBay , but they are way too pricey for me ! I'd love to know the contents !

      Kid, finally solved the mystery of that first book cover!
      The one I saw in Amazon was a storybook, "Doctor Who and the Invasion from Space".

  4. Actually, this very annual features some comic strips amongst the text stories, some of which were reprinted back in the early '80s in a Doctor Who omnibus-type annual. I'll post them one day.

  5. Can't see the post unless I sign in or register, JP. Although I love the Daleks, I'm not sure I want to join a private 'club'. Are you going to look for a cheap copy of that book?

  6. Right kid, I'll try and post the pic.
    Bear with me.
    I'm always on the look out for these old books, but don't think I'll ever get "Invasion from Space" cheap!
    The original annual is like the holy grail!

    Image courtesy of Doctor Who collectors, Colin Young and Christopher Samuel Stone.

  8. Ah, saw it that time, JP. I must check my Dr. Who merchandise book and see if it has a better picture. If so, I'll post it on the blog.

  9. Colin Young gave me permission to share that pic, as long as I credited him for it, if you still wanted to use it in a post, Kid?
    I've already got a comment planned! Ha, ha!

  10. I'll wait 'til I find a better copy of it, JP, thanks anyway.


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