Monday 6 December 2010


Copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION

Back around 1994, MARVEL UK did everyone a favour by gathering together all 104 back-page episodes of TV CENTURY 21's The DALEKS comic strip in one handy collectors' item package, with a brand-new cover by artist RON TURNER. True, they did get one page out of sequence, but we won't hold that against them as, in every other respect, it was a superb package and well worth the money.

However, I think the time is now right for a deluxe, hardcover collection of these classic tales (often referred to as The DALEK CHRONICLES), which should also include the later six-part follow-up adventure first published in DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE (again illustrated by Ron Turner) and continuing on from the final TV21 episode.  With the resurgence of interest in all things Who, I'm sure it'd sell well enough to justify the endeavour.

Anybody out there listening?


  1. I'd buy it. I bought this and the cover is in danger of coming away from the staples. A nice big 'Hawk books' size would be good too.
    It was the little red box on the top left with a Dalek in it that first introduced me to TV21 on a cold, dark, foggy tea-time in February 1965 when I spotted an older lad coming out of the newsagents with it under his arm, and I thought "there's something for me!"

  2. I remember noticing when that little box changed from using skinny Daleks to fatter ones - I was 6 years old and nothing much got by me. Wish I was as sharp now.

  3. I , too , would LOVE such a book !! I always used to turn to the back cover of TV 21 first and my only consolation when there were no Daleks on #105 is that , the very same week they appeared in colour on the cover of TV Comic . Incidentally , if you have that Dr . Who / TV Comic story , Kid , I'd love to see that again , too . ( hint ! )

  4. I believe I do have that story, plus the subsequent episodes also. They were reprinted in Dr Who Classics (I think it was called) by Marvel U.K. back in the '90s. (Hint taken.)

  5. I forgot to mention , did you ever see the Dutch version of TV 21 , called TV 2000 ? These included the TV Bat-Man . If only TV 21 had done the same , it might have filled that void between #104 and the start of Captain Scarlet !

  6. I've never held an actual issue in my hands, but I've seen photos of some covers in articles from time to time. Of course, back in the '60s, Odhams Press had the rights to print Batman in the pages of Smash! - although they were simply resized newspaper strips.

  7. First Well Done Sir regarding your EXCELLENT artwork. As to the 'Dalek Chronicles' - I also have a copy, and agree 100% that this item would be well worth a re-publish - in Hardback (with or without additional's - room for two volumes perhaps.....).
    As usual the BBC are SLOW to cash in, but perhaps Mr Terry Nation's (a much missed man - Survivors and B7 Fondly remembered), estate have not woken up to this fact yet either, come on you guys there is commerce out there just waiting for this item to re-appear - the Who writers do know of this of course, I met several in conventions in L.A. over the years, it's another 'hidden gem' waiting publication.

  8. I live in hope that such a volume will one day (soon) see print, WA. Panini/Marvel printed the first three pages (plus another tale) from the original artwork in their relatively recent Daleks Special, so I assumr they have access to the other pages of art. Perhaps if we put a bit of pressure on them, eh? (Hint, hint.)

  9. Oops, 'assume', not 'assumr'.


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