Thursday, 11 November 2010


Pencilled, inked & lettered by KID ROBSON

Here's another unseen page from the archives.  This one's 25 years old and is scanned from a photocopy rather than the original art.  (Most of the stuff in my files comes from photocopies, the originals having been given away or misplaced over the years.)  Consequently, it's not as sharp or as detailed as it otherwise would be.  This was intended for a fanzine produced by the now defunct comics shop A.K.A. (Also Known As), run by JOHN McSHANE, the late PETE ROOT and BOB NAPIER, three luminaries in the Glasgow comics scene.  (I think little STEVIE MONT-GOMERY also became involved at a later date.)

The cover was produced in a hurry between lettering assignments for 2000 A.D. and other IPC publications, so it's not as 'finished' as I would've liked.  (The floor and cape are desperately in need of some shadows.)  The issue this cover was intended for was never published due to a lack of material, so it's languished in my files until now.  First person to say it should've stayed there gets a cheap laugh, but loses their BLUE PETER badge.  


  1. No shadowing needed that's perfect as is you're an good allrounder kid

  2. Thank you, Mr Anon. (Nobody's going to believe that I didn't type your comment myself. Ah, such is life.)


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