Friday 12 November 2010


Pencils by Kirby, inks, colours & lettering by Robson

Thirteen years ago, The JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR printed a stat of a pencil drawing of ORION - and asked readers to send in their inked version of the pic.  I never got around to it at the time, but later - and for my own amusement - I used a sheet of tracing paper to ink the piece and then decided to have a go at colouring it as well.  I only had some acrylic inks and felt-tipped pens, so that's what I used.  So here it is (above) in all its glory.

For good measure, shown below is the black and white inked version.  When I get a chance, I'll dig out the issue of JKC and post the copy of the pencils.

Inked with Windsor & Newton #3 sable brush


  1. Nice work! It must be daunting inking The King's pencils, but you've really caught his style.

  2. Thanks, glad you liked it.


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