Wednesday 27 October 2010


Inked with a Windsor & Newton #3 sable brush

This page was pencilled by DOM REGAN and inked, dialogued and lettered by myself.  Dom doesn't seem to use a ruler, so his perspectives aren't always as precise as they could be, requiring a bit of sorting out at the inking stage.  His rendering is also a bit vague at times (though not so much on this page), which means the inker isn't quite sure exactly what he's looking at on occasion - but his artwork certainly packs a punch.

As the page features a CAPTAIN AMERICA stand-in (MAJOR AMERICAN - a name I coined), I tried to give it a CHIC STONE-type finish. I've probably over-inked the machinery in the first couple of pics, which are far too laboured, but it didn't come out too bad overall.

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