Monday 20 September 2010


"Where's my swimming trunks?"

You're looking at a LOUIS MARX TOYS' TWISTABLE BATMAN, which I assume was readily available in all good toy shops at the height of the 'Bat-craze' back in the mid-1960s.  (I owned several in my time, all purchased (on different occasions) from a super little shop known as NURSERYLAND.  "Everything for Baby" it boasted, but it also sported quite a wide range of toys for kids of all ages.)

He was produced without trunks, but that apart, was a fantastic fun figure - looking for all the world like a GERRY ANDERSON puppet.  Is that STEVE ZODIAC under the Bat cape and cowl?  Sure looks like him to me - what about the rest of you?

Apparently, pristine examples of this toy can fetch up to £700 (according to a dealer who's well-known for charging about three times that of everyone else), but I managed to pick up mine for a mere £30.  It still had the original cape, although it was torn and tatty, but was missing the belt, Bat emblem and Bat-a-rang.  I made a new cape using the original as a template, and recreated the other missing items, which - although not original - suffice for the purpose of display.

All in all, a nice little acquisition.  Anyone got a spare Bat-a-rang and Utility belt they can sell me?  If so, get in touch.

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