Monday 20 September 2010


Illustrated by E. H. Shepard

The WIND In The WILLOWS by KENNETH GRAHAME entranced me from an early age, and even if you're now a crusty old adult, you really should give it a read if you haven't done so already.  It's another of those deeds that should be on a "things to do before you die" list.  Forget the stigma of reading a so-called "childrens book" - the standard of English employed in the book elevates it above and beyond that much-maligned and inaccurate category.

As the author himself said, "It is a book of youth, and so perhaps chiefly for youth, and those who still keep the spirit of youth alive in them; of life, sunshine, running water, woodlands, dusty roads, winter firesides."  I'd say it's definitely the finest book of its kind, so what's not to like?  And do your very best to get an edition illustrated by ERNEST H. SHEPARD.

Even if you don't feel like reading it yourself, buy a copy for your kids (or nieces and nephews) - above the age of 12, I'd suggest - as a Christmas gift.  They're bound to thank you in later years for having enriched their young lives.

Preparing for battle

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