They could be sold out by now, but it wouldn't hurt to try and obtain them if you were a reader of Alan Class mags back in the day. The 'Secrets Of The Unknown...' tome by Nick Neocleous has some very nice colour cover reproductions to prompt your memory of bygone days from your comics-reading youth, and also contains an interview with Mr. Class himself.
A cascading cornucopia of cool comics, crazy cartoons, & classic collectables - plus other completely captivating & occasionally controversial contents. With nostalgic notions, sentimental sighings, wistful wonderings, remorseful ruminations, melancholy musings, rueful reflections, poignant ponderings, & yearnings for yesteryear. (And a few profound perplexities, puzzling paradoxes, & a bevy of big, beautiful, bedazzling, buxom Babes to round it all off.)
Thursday, 13 February 2025
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Loved these comics as a kid but always looked upon them as substitutes for the 'Real' American comics.If no US available these would do nicely but if there was a choice it was US comics every time.Nostalgia factor is a powerful emotion and I particularly love any issue with the 1 shilling price.Hope you are well my friend and will certainly buy the Alan Class book for a a pleasant read in front of our open fire. No better way to spend a winters afternoon.Keep up the great work and I think your posts are getting better, if that's possible!
ReplyDeleteYou're giving me a swell head, Triple F, I'm still aiming to make my posts 'good', I seldom think they're 'great' - it's comments by you and others that elevate my posts to anything worthwhile, so keep it up. The book is a light read, but it has some great, often full-size cover images. You're right, of course, the US colour mags were always better, but the Class comics were a worthy stand-in when the originals weren't available.