A cascading cornucopia of cool comics, crazy cartoons, & classic collectables - plus other completely captivating & occasionally controversial contents. With nostalgic notions, sentimental sighings, wistful wonderings, remorseful ruminations, melancholy musings, rueful reflections, poignant ponderings, & yearnings for yesteryear. (And a few profound perplexities, puzzling paradoxes, & a bevy of big, beautiful, bedazzling, buxom Babes to round it all off.)
Friday, 21 February 2025
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Woah! I don't know where you hear about these lovely ladies. I had to Google her. On her Wiki page, there's a photo of her husband with his arm strategically in the way. The other one I had to Google was the golfer with the strange name.
ReplyDeleteWell, they're all members of my fan club, M, and have voted me the handsomest and sexiest man alive. (As Sean Connery said, there's very few of them dead.) Now where did I put my reality pills?
DeleteReturning to the subject of sex-changes for a moment, Kid, which is also relevant to Babe Of The Day - there was a model in the '70s called April Ashley who was born male but had a sex-change and she was even a Bond girl too. She seems to have been happy with her change of sex.
ReplyDeleteYup, I know the one you mean, CJ. The guy with the whiskers and deerstalker from Emmerdale Farm dated 'her' for a while, I believe. She was still a guy though, that's what people forget. It's merely a cosmetic procedure. If sex changes weren't available, maybe a little (or a lot) of therapy might have helped him/her accept herself as a guy. By the way, take a look at the most recent comment on that other post - I've been 'outed'.
DeleteI thought you didn't publish anonymous comments, Kid.
ReplyDeleteNow we've been through this at least twice before, CJ. I once didn't publish anonymous comments at all, but later relaxed to publishing the occasional one. I explained my reasoning when you asked the same question back then. Then you later asked the same question again and I pointed you in the direction of your previous question and my response, whereupon you said you remembered, but had temporarily forgotten. Seems you've forgotten again.
DeleteI turned 59 last week and my mind is going so I'll probably ask the same question again next week.
ReplyDelete59, eh? Happy belated birthday, old yin, but best skip going to any funerals of people you know, CJ. At your advanced age, it would hardly be worth your time coming back.
DeleteGeeze! I have never heard of her before, Kid. I think she may have some sort of astigmatism though as she picked out a swimsuit that is obviously too small for her (or she bought it on Temu). I hope you take her by the arm as she traverses your Castle.
ReplyDeleteShe grew a bit after donning her bikini, LM. And she hangs on to my arm as if she's never going to let me go. That's 'cos I'm such a manly-man of course.