Tuesday, 17 December 2024


Okay, for those few Crivs who may be interested, I decided not to add photos of my living-room last Christmas (2023) to the earlier festive post, but just do a new one in case they were overlooked among the previous pictorial display.  My decorations in 2023 were pretty much as they'd been for several years, but I couldn't put them all out again this year as there was less room on account of new, non-yuletide ornaments taking up space the Christmas themed ones had previously occupied on a yearly basis.  You'll spot quite a few you didn't see last time, so have fun comparing between then and now. 


  1. I can see the toad figure on the CD case more clearly this time, Kid,

  2. It's by Wade and an absolute cracker, CJ.

  3. I had to chuckle, K. On one of your pictures, the TV screen shows two ornamental cats and the words "they're stylish and would fit in any interior". Obviously they have never seen your lounge, there's very little room left, it must take forever, to put all your Christmas treasures out and remember to keep space for yourself. Looks fun though, bet it's cozy with just your Christmas lights on.

  4. I like your wee DC Foldee. You have so many items it must take an age to out them away, but no doubt its more than worth it. We still haven't fully got out decorations out as we've been looking after my partners mum who is just out of hospital, but was should get around to this on Friday.

  5. I'd only recently received the Foldee, McS, and put it on the round table beside my chair, but it wasn't meant to be a part of the Christmas decorations, it was just there.

    Best of luck on looking after your girlfriend's mum ('partner' sounds too formal and unromantic), I know how difficult that role can be - for all of those involved.

  6. I'm still managing to find space from time-to-time, R, but it leaves less room for once-regular festive ornaments. Funnily enough, I just added a cat ornament a few months down the line after taking these photos, which can be seen in the 2nd-last previous post. (The cat I mean.)

  7. K, none of us Christmas voyeurs may have realise, with being overwhelmed with your collecting prowess. But I'd just like say, thank's for letting us into your home and sharing your personal treasures. Tea and biscuits, next time?

  8. For tea and biscuits I'd have to start charging an entrance fee, R. You think I'm made of money? Anyway, glad you (and other Crivs) enjoyed the tour.

  9. K, I'd pay gladly, if Denise was doing her laundry that day? You could name the Tour, Bygones, Brunch and Bangers! What a dayout, 5 Stars on Trip Advisor, I'd bet!

  10. Unfortunately for the rest of you, Denise only does her laundry when I'm around. (She likes to spoil me that way.)

  11. Very nice, Kid. Thanks for sharing your photos with us. When we take our decorations down, the room looks so bare and empty for a good few days until I get used to it again. I like the Santa heads on your tree. Are they actually lights or just bauble type things? I have to admit though, the festive mallet has me stumped. Is that for uninvited carol singers?

  12. The Santa heads ARE actually lights, M. I have a couple of other sets of different lights, consisting of 'icicles' and lanterns, and I've thought about making a composite set out of all of them. Y'know, one light would be Santa, the next one a lantern, the one after that an icicle - that sort of thing. Been meaning to do it for years now, but never managed to get around to it. The mallet is for hitting people with, yes, but I have boiling oil for carol singers.


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