Tuesday, 12 November 2024


Images copyright relevant and respective owners

Finally acquired a couple more items from childhood I was beginning to think I'd never own again, but bought them both today from two eBay sellers (one item each, obviously).  I'm using the sellers' photos (I'm sure they won't mind), but I'll add my own when they arrive, hopefully before the end of the week.  The Daleks Bagatelle isn't boxed, though the artwork is the same in either case, whereas (as you can see) the Fireball XL5 box has a different illustration to the toy itself.  Ah, what can I say?  I'm a kid again.  Can't be too many items to replace now.

Any of you Crivs have either of these '60s toys when you were bairns, or did you have a deprived childhood?  (Well, compared to mine, anyway.)  Truth to tell though, the ones I had back then were obtained 'pre-owned' (or secondhand as we used to say) from jumble sales.


  1. I'm afraid I was " deprived" Kid. I did have a space themed bagatelle in the 1960s , but my memory of it is pretty vauge.

  2. There, there, never mind, McS. You can enjoy looking at pictures of mine.

  3. You lucky bugger!! Fireball XL5 Bagatelle ..Good Score !!!!

  4. Lucky, LH? Yeah, IF I'd been given it for nothing. Had to pay for this one. Just as well my male escort for lonely ladies business is doing well at the moment.

  5. Gosh, I never knew Fireball had so many absolutely BRILLIANT beautiful toys! Get a bagatelle for me, wouldja? (I imagine they are rare.) To repay you, I'll set you up with a date with Lynda Carter (you say she's there already? Darn it!!). Oh well....

  6. They are quite rare, LM, but not impossible to find - usually on eBay every now and again. Yeah, Lynda's already here, looking forward to playing with my bagatelle. (No, that's not a euphemism.)


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