Friday 4 October 2024



Here are a few photos of a great book by Taschen I received today - The Fantastic Four.  (That's its protective box, above.)  The pages are photographed from high quality copies of issues 1-19, plus FF Annual #1, which then have subtle digital manipulation applied to correct any dodgy colour registration and to 'fix' any smudged panel borders which were sometimes present in printed issues (due to the flexible plates used).  The result is as close to the original published look as you're ever likely to get.

I see Nick Caputo and Barry Pearl received a thank you in the credits, so they were obviously involved in the production in some way.  (Hope they each got a free copy.)

To be honest, the book was an indulgence as I already have the stories several times over, in Masterworks, Epic Collections, and Omnibus Editions (as well as one or two original issues).  The book is huge, 28 x 39.5 cm, and is lovely just to browse through.  There are others in the series, but I think I'll stick with just the FF volume as I don't really have the space to accommodate any more books of this size.

Don't you think it's a beauty?

Below are some more photos from Taschen's own site...


  1. Looks nice but I assume it was quite expensive.

  2. I suppose one's definition of 'expensive' is relative, CJ.

  3. That's true, Kid, but judging by your photos it looks like a hefty tome so I'm guessing it was at least £30 and anything less than that would be a good bargain!

  4. £30? If only, CJ, if only.

  5. About 20 years ago I was in Waterstone's and I saw a book about the mythical Greek hero Odysseus or more specifically about his island kingdom of Ithica and whether that island was real or not. The book looked very interesting with lots of colour photos but I was horrified when I saw the price - it cost around £80 so I put it back on the shelf!

  6. I must own more than 20 books that cost much more than that, CJ. Each, I mean. A book is forever, and well-worth having.

  7. The awful thing about these books are their weight. I have the Taschen Tiki and Magic books, and someday plan to get the Pin up book, but they take up a lot of real estate! Congrats on it, tho. And thank goodness for Barry Pearl!

  8. And Nick Caputo, LM. Yeah, they're heavy, and I'm surprised to see that though this book was shrink-wrapped, some of the glossy cover pages are quite wrinkled in places. (Bad ream of paper perhaps?) I'll have to get my iron out.


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