Wednesday 25 September 2024


Just time for a quickie
'Babe' today, Crivvies - the
 lovely Denise Milani.


  1. I like a lovely lady in a pair of jeans!

  2. Is there anybody who doesn't, RJ?

  3. Yes, Kid - my father for one. He hated women wearing trousers and so did my mother who never wore them.

  4. Your father was obviously trying to suppress his attraction to shapely women in jeans, CJ, and your mother was supporting him by not wearing them herself. It's an old Scottish Presbyterian 'thing'.

  5. Kid, did you hear about the discovery of DC Thomson TV ads from the '50s and '60s featuring such publications as Jackie and The Dandy?

  6. I did, CJ. An old school pal sent me a link about them yesterday. I remember TV ads for comics in the '60s & '70s, it was once quite common. As circulation gradually decreased in general, however, it wasn't cost-effective to pay for TV advertising, as it didn't lead to big enough sales to offset the cost .

  7. Apparently the POTA weekly was advertised on TV but I definitely never saw those ads otherwise I'd have started reading POTA from No.1 and not No.5 which I happened to see by chance when it came out. I do remember The Titans and Captain Britain having TV ads though.

  8. Last ones I recall seeing are MWOM and (maybe) SMCW, CJ, though I might remember others if I saw them again.


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