Sunday 7 July 2024

STINGRAY & BATMAN Return To The Scene Of The 'Crime'...

One of the good things about having a blog is that you can be wonderfully self-indulgent.  ('Wonderfully' from the blog-owner's perspective, that is, though perhaps not from the readers'.)  I've previously told you the tales of my Plaston Stingray and Marx Batman, and how I recently obtained replacements for them nearly 60 years after the fact.  Well, this evening, I decided to indulge myself one step further, and took Stingray along to the field where I lost its Ratemaster propellor in early 1966, and another close-by field where my Batman (then in possession of a friend with whom I'd swapped it for a Marx soldier) met its untimely demise after being hurled skywards by an older boy around 1969.

I took a few photos in approximately the same spots where the original events transpired and, in so doing, reconnected and reinforced their associations in my mind with the neighbourhood I lived in as a young boy.  It's almost a compulsion that I can't resist and, thankfully, my pals tend to humour me in these mad notions to which I occasionally succumb.  So thanks to Tongalad for assisting me in capturing for posterity a pictorial link to my memories and associations of so very long ago.  (He snapped the pics with me in them.)  In returning to the scene so long after the fact, it's almost like I've rewound time and rewritten the fate the toys succumbed to so many decades earlier.*  Fanciful I know, but I derive a measure of satisfaction from it.

(*"How so?" you may be wondering.  Well, this time, Stingray returned from its journey fully intact, and Batman survived his visit unbroken - each from the same locations they'd originally come a cropper.) 

Any of you Crivvies ever done anything so daft that you'd care to admit to?  If so, fire away.

Stingray's in the foreground in this pic and in my hands in the others


This field is just across from my former home, and further up from the one
in the previous photos, which is at the foot of the street and over the road

Batman (sans cape & cowl) going solo, here and above, but held by me in the pics I'm in

When I was setting up the previous two photos, I lost my balance and fell over,
but was uninjured.  Vanity made me leave my 'wheeled walker' out of the scene


  1. Good photos so you must have had a really class photographer!

  2. Funnily enough, Tonganon, the photos I'm not in are the best, because the ones I AM in are not quite as sharp as they should be.

  3. Amalgam of Tongalad and Anonymous. "Do keep up, double-0-seven."

  4. There he goes, trying to show that he's outstanding in any field....give it up, son.

  5. No, only two fields - and the photos show that I actually am. (Out standing in two fields, that is.)

  6. So pleased you decided to share this with everyone. What a riveting read.

  7. Riveting? I'd never claim that for it, AL, but if anyone else can relate to the nostalgic sentiment behind it, it'll have been worth publishing.


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