Wednesday 8 May 2024


Copyright DC COMICS

Three DC Facsimile Editions to drool over, Crivvies.  Two new from 2023 and '24, and one old from 1992.  Detective Comics #140 (1948), The Flash #105 (1959), and Action Comics #1 (1938).  Only the Superman segment from AC is included and for some reason the inside covers are blank, but it's a nice little addition to my collection, as are the other two mags shown here.  I got mine from eBay - where you get yours (if you don't already have them) is up to you.


  1. It would be interesting to know in which years the first two were originally published.

  2. Not interesting enough for you to Google search though, eh, CJ? 1948 and 1959, in that order.

  3. Oh, behave, CJ, I don't have time to read tediously long comments like that. Couldn't you have made it shorter?


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