Saturday 20 April 2024



Another couple of Marvel classic collectables added to the fold, Crivvies.  I've already got Journey Into Mystery #83, but it's the one with the UK price on it and without the month in the number box.  Now I'm spoilt for choice.  I wish Marvel would hurry up and do a JIM Facsimile Edition, as it would be nice to see this issue in a pristine presentation.  (Even though I already have brand-spanking new reprints of Thor's origin story in various publications.)

Talking of being spoilt for choice, what should I do with myself now?  Gaze lovingly at my Scalextric FAB 1, or luxuriate in the glories of some of the other goodies I've acquired recently?  Just how do I decide?  (Eeny, meeny, miny, moe...)


  1. You're just showing off now, Gordie. STOP IT! (From your alternate universe counterpart.)

  2. Wow that is some collection you are building there, well done on getting these key classic comics.

  3. Ta, McS. However, maybe I'm just having fun with some mere facsimiles. Then again, maybe not. (Though either way, I'm definitely having fun.)

  4. I have a favor to ask. Can you try loading the address for my ARCHETYPAL ARCHIVE into your bloglist? The feed on the DOJO bloglist doesn't display the current contents properly, and since Rip checked his internals I'm wondering if it's some general cyber-hiccup that's affecting other blogs or just the DOJO. I checked the DOJO on two separate devices and both display the incorrect feed. There may not be anything I can do about it if my feed's been effed up somehow, but maybe a little extra knowledge could prove helpful.

  5. I'll give it a go shortly, GP - I'm just putting the finishing touches to a new post.

  6. Added it to my blog list, but as I was doing so it said no feed could be detected and updates could not be shown. When I click on the title in my blog list it says it doesn't exist. I'm going to remove it because it's redundant, GP. Let me know when you've managed to sort it and I'll try again.

  7. I think I figured it out. I had somehow created a trash post, but without getting it finally deleted. I don't know why the feed prioritized a trash post, but it did, and once I completed deleted the bad post, both the DOJO and another blog began correctly displaying the most current real post. I bet the existence of the trash post somehow set up a situation that blocked even your attempt to set up a correct feed, and I must have just deleted the bad post after you made the attempt. Thanks, I'll keep monitoring things but I bet that was the hiccup.

  8. What I noticed was that when I added it to my sidebar using the add option in the layout page on my blog list, I couldn't exit the layout page - my screen seemed to freeze. I deleted the page I was on and brought up another page, but something was definitely wrong.

  9. Absolutely great facsimiles, Kid. The old-school quality of the interiror paper really sells it. You should have blunted the corners slightly. They are facsimiles, aren't they?.........

  10. Thing is, B, I sometimes tend to make digital 'repairs' in some of my comics when required, when they appear on the blog - so their seeming pristine condition could be an illusion. Facsimiles? Now why would I go and spoil everyone's fun in wondering whether they are or not?


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