Saturday 27 April 2024


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Back in 2015 and 2016 I recommended the first two volumes of The Complete Howard The Duck, containing every issue of Howard's monthly colour comic mag, plus the first issue of his b&w magazine.  At the time, I didn't bother getting the third volume in the set, but that situation has been rectified and the titanic tome is now added to my collection.  I acquired it in brand-new condition via eBay, so if you're a Howard who doesn't yet own this mighty Marvel masterpiece, I heartily recommend it - along with the first two volumes if you don't have them either.  (A belated recommendation of this third volume to be sure, but better late than never!)


  1. I heartily agree with you. This is a worthy addition to any collection and speaks to a time when comics were just plain more interesting.

  2. Christopher Nevell28 April 2024 at 07:48

    I remember buying the Howard the Duck Treasury Edition from the local newsagents. It really drew me in and I rate it as one of my favourite purchases, even to the point of making the list for my Viking longboat at The End.

  3. There's some lovely art in it, RJ, and I'm glad to now have all three volumes. I really should've bought it at the time.


    I've yet got my original Howard Treasury Edition, CN, bought back in the day. One look at it and it takes me right back. Still enjoying living back in your old house?

    1. Yes - everything I wanted it to be. Funny how my previous house of 18 years has simply slipped away without much thought.

  4. I never quite got Howard The Duck. I think I owned one comic when I collected Marvel which I don't remember reading, I only flicked through it probably. Then there was the movie. Just looked really weird to me. I've looked at a few clips on YouTube and I'm still of the same opinion and I'm a big fan of 80s American movies! Yet here I have 3 people telling me how great it (the comic) is. I have a lot to learn.

  5. What you have to remember though, M, is that when a comic represents a particular period of time in one's youth (assuming that it was a mag you thought was at least okay at the time), that association can sometimes make it seem in retrospect that it was better than it was. I've only read about three stories in this volume so far and haven't been bowled over by them, but the art is mostly brilliant and that alone makes it worth the 'price of admission'.

    As for the colour mag, my appreciation of it is probably largely based on issue #3. which was a belter. I remember bits from #2, but the regular series remains largely forgotten in my mind, apart from the art. Like I said, that makes these collected editions worth having, as they're a slice of the time in which they were first published.

    And remember also - it's no crime not to like something that other people do.

  6. Having said that, the movie WAS p*sh!

  7. It'll take a bit of time, but eventually, happy memories of the time you spent there will start to manifest in your mind. It took around 17 or 18 years for me to start thinking of my previous home of four years. When I moved back here, the house I moved from was just too recent for me to dwell on it.

  8. I never quite got the original 70s Howard. There were too many references to American culture which we just weren’t familiar enough with. Jimmy Carter? Apart from knowing who he was, I knew nothing else about him. A vampire cow? Was this supposed to be funny ? I just didn’t get it.

  9. I suppose it was just the utter weirdness of it all, PS, that appealed to those who liked the mag. When I think about it now, most of the stories were forgettable, the only one really making an impression on me being #3, The Master Of Quack-Fu.


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