Thursday 11 April 2024


I'm pushing the boundaries of what's acceptable
here on Crivens by publishing a picture of a wee bear
with absolutely not a stitch on.  I'm a rebel for sure.


  1. Reminds me of a joke about a bear and a rabbit who meet in the woods. Far too vulgar for me to relate on Crivens. This is a family show. I gave away all my teddies at some point but the one thing I do regret giving away was a glove puppet in the shape of a spider like the ones on Paperplay with Susan Stranks. I think they were called Itsy and Bitsy. I had the red one. He was also nekked but then again I suppose most spiders are. Apart from The Spider of course.

  2. I think there's a poem called 'Itsy Bitsy Spider', is there not? Embarrassing admission time: I have Sooty and Yogi Bear glove puppets - but don't tell anyone. (Just as well very few people reads this blog, eh?)

  3. Today is a sad day for me because it's exactly 36 years since I spoke to my sister for the last time. She owned a huge teddy bear and after she died her boyfriend asked if he could have it so I'm glad it went to a good home.

  4. 36 years, eh? Sad to hear, CJ, you obviously still miss your sister. I bet you sometimes have dreams in which she's yet alive and you chat away to her like it's the most natural thing in the world. I hope her boyfriend still has her teddy bear after all this time and didn't eventually get rid of it. If so, hopefully it went to another good home.

  5. Funnily enough, Kid, I almost never dream of either my sister or my parents - I often think of them while I'm awake but rarely dream about them. And yes, I hope David looked after that teddy bear.

  6. I occasionally have dreams in which my dog Zara is still alive, funnily enough. It takes me a few seconds to 'acclimatise' to reality when I awaken.


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