Friday 1 March 2024


Suddenly, whenever I try to add a photo to a new post, I get an 'error occurred' message and I can't add any images.  Any other bloggers finding the same thing or is it only me for some unaccountable reason?

Upon checking, it only seems to be happening when I use Microsoft Browser.

Update: I've fiddled about with things, reset settings to their default values, and it now seems to be working again.  However, I've no idea as to what caused the problem to begin with.  Strange, eh?  I've now added the 'offending' image to the post.


  1. Can't say that I've noticed this particular problem, Kid. I do all my blogger updates using Chrome on my Macbook, which seems the most stable when on a Mac. I've found Safari temperamental when simply commenting on your blog, so I've tended to avoid that browser for blogger updates.
    I think generally blogger is regarded as old, legacy, deprecated technology by Google, and their testing processes when checking that it works with various browsers or browser updates leaves a bit to be desired

  2. What mystifies me is why it suddenly happened in only one browser. Perhaps an automatic update went wrong, but thankfully the problem appears to be sorted now. Phew!


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