Wednesday 14 February 2024


Today, as all good Criv-ites are surely well aware, is Valentine's Day.  I've never received a Valentine's card in my life, nor have I ever sent one, but many people will be waiting in eager anticipation of a card from a loved one (or an anonymous admirer) popping through their letterbox, and probably as many people will be anxiously fretting over not getting one and what it says about just how they're regarded by others if they don't.

However, today my mind can't help but think of my late pal's widow, Heather, whose husband Matt (known as Moonmando to long-term readers of Crivens) passed away in a local hospice exactly a year ago today from inoperable liver and bowel cancer.  It must be difficult when others about you are basking in the glow of getting a Valentine's card when the only person you'd really love to receive one from is no longer around to give it.

So, readers, as you savour the reassurance of knowing you're adored, spare a thought for Heather and those like her to whom this date isn't a cause for celebration, but rather a painful reminder of a heart-aching emptiness in their life.  (Though that pain isn't restricted to only one day.)  It's tough when your time is up and you have to depart this world, but I sometimes wonder whether it's even tougher for the ones you leave behind. 


  1. Thoughtful post Kid and a sentiment that is never that has never been that far from my mind ever since my dad passed away in 1985 leaving my wee mum heartbroken, and then again when my brother suddenly passed away leaving his wife and kids at 57. So many others in the same situation, sadly for most people with partners a situation that will affect us all at some point.

  2. And an equally thoughtful comment, McS. Of course, it's never easy when a loved one has died, but I'd imagine that, when it comes to partners, it's perhaps a little tougher if they passed away on a date which celebrates love and romance.

  3. Not everyone feels loss at the death of a partner. My father died in September 1999 and a few weeks later my mother said "I love my new life!" but their relationship had been strained for a long time I must admit.

  4. I'm sure there must be some people who see the death of their partner as a release, if not a relief, CJ, but for those who really loved their husband/wife/other half, etc., days like this must be particularly heart-breaking. It's a shame your parents had a difficult relationship.

  5. Hey Kid, just a note from me to thank you for a heartfelt and well written post. Hope you are keeping well yourself. As moonmando was prone to saying occasionally...Excelsior!

  6. Hi Scott, good to hear from you, and hope that you, your mother and your sister (and everyone else in the family) are bearing up. A year already, eh? Just doesn't seem like it.


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