Tuesday 23 January 2024


 Dolly Parton asked me to join her for a roll
in the hay so I dutifully obliged, though all it did was
get us covered in the stuff.  That's all we did for a couple
of hours, take turns at rolling on haystacks out in her big
barn and telling silly jokes.  Wasn't at all like what Sean
Connery and Honor Blackman did in Goldfinger.
I can only assume I'm losing my sex appeal - though
 Dolly certainly isn't - as you can plainly see. 


  1. That's a sexy pic of Dolly, a local heroine in these parts. Her charity for the region she comes from, one wracked by poverty, is well known if not as well appreciated. My girlfriend will love that picture, she's a big Dolly fan. I grew up watching her on The Porter Wagoner
    Show, before she went solo and became a super star.

  2. You know what, RJ? I love that picture as well. Who wouldn't?!


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