Thursday 2 November 2023


Dolly Parton rang me the
other day, begging for a date, but I
said it was too cold to leave my house.
Well, bless 'er soul, she kindly sent this
red-hot photo to warm me up.  All I
 can say is - "Hello Dolly!"


  1. Now we're talkin'!!! Dolly is an A-1 hottie and has been for decades.

  2. And she's not a bad singer as well, RJ.

  3. I think she even kept a lot of her charm as an old broad, though naturally you didn't see Dolly dress up like this into the 21st century. She had an unusual ability to dress like a tart and yet still project innocence, though I imagine that it was an approach she practiced, not just something that just happened. She even looks good at almost-70 in 2012's JOYFUL NOISE, almost her last feature film, though I don't recommend the movie to non-Dolly partisans.

  4. I think she's had a bit of work done over recent years, GP, but she's still attractive and doesn't have that 'wind tunnel' look about her. What's more important is that she seems like a genuinely nice person and does a lot for charitable causes. And, of course, she has a sense of humour about herself.

  5. She created the Dollywood theme park in Tennessee to bring jobs to the area where she grew up which was nice of her considering most celebs couldn't give a sh*t about the places they came from. And she's not just a singer, she's also WRITTEN over 2,000 songs apparently.

  6. Oh, yeah, I took "work" into account, but I think it likely, given her body type, that she might have kept up a lot of exercise to fight old age blobbiness. Could be lipo but I tend to think that wouldn't be enough, in my inexpert opinion. The only actress I can think of who was generally believable when she said she didn't have work done was Sophia Loren-- who looked 50 when she turned 70-- and that's because Mediterranean women have a rep for being well preserved.

  7. I think she also paid for people's education, CJ, and helped them out in other ways. As for her song writing, she's had quite a few hits too.


    Well, she's had her equipment 'seen to' a couple of times (so I read), GP, but however the result was achieved, she's still looking good. Sophia's a darlin' as well.

  8. As long as we're mentioning Dolly's virtues, she recently came out against cancel culture, but in such a way that she didn't automatically validate "the other side," whatever one might conceive that to be.

  9. Ta for that, GP, I'll have a wee look at that link shortly.


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