Thursday 12 October 2023

A.A.B. Update... (The Last Word)

In case anyone's interested, I've added yet
another update to my post about the late A.A.B.,
which can be accessed by clicking this link.


  1. Kid, in your update you state that your former friend was cremated on February 1st, 16 days short of his 54th birthday, so was his birthday on February 17th (which is my birthday too) or did you mean February 16th?

  2. Just out of bed for a wee-wee, CJ, so thought I'd answer your comment. 17th February is the answer. I still have a birthday card I got for him back in 1981, but as he never visited my bedsit (except once when I was out - and that was only to check if I'd returned home), I never got a chance to give it to him.

  3. Update: I just found the card (along with various letters he sent me over a couple of years) and the envelope actually has his address on it, but no stamp. I must've assumed it was likely that I'd see him in person before his birthday (I was down in his neck of the woods at the time) and decided to hang on to it 'til then. It could also be that when I saw him briefly on my second day of arrival, he told me that he was living on the base at the time, though I can't say for certain. If so, then that would be why I decided to hang on to it until I next saw him and 'deliver' it in person.


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