Thursday 14 September 2023


Picked up these two little 3-and-a-half inch (approximately) figures in a charity shop yesterday for 50p each.  The one on the left is Thor (obviously), but I don't know who the one on the right is supposed to be or whether he's even a Marvel character.  An out-of-proportion Frost Giant perhaps?  If anyone knows anything about them (name of manufacturer or whether they're home-made, etc.), feel free to enlighten me.


  1. Cute. I have no idea who made these but I remember a few years ago seeing similar type dolls on sale that based of horror or voodoo type characters . I used to have one.

  2. Yep they are called String Voodoo dolls some are keyrings etc. They sold them in Poundland , where I picked up one for a spare house key I 've seen them in other trendy stores as well. The Thor one with Loki is on Amazon for £8. If you search string dolls there are loads DC, Marvel and monsters etc, but I can't see the other character.

  3. Thanks for that, McS. I wasn't sure whether they were professionally produced or the result of a talented amateur.


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