Sunday 17 September 2023


The lovely Valerie gazes adoringly at
me across the room as I snap this photo of
her.  It's amazing just how irresistible a man
becomes in a pair of Yogi Bear pyjamas.
(I think my luck's in tonight, Crivs.)


  1. Kid, did you know that the 'Radio Times' is 100 years old next week? The very first issue featured the radio listings for September 30th-October 6th 1923. I assume there'll be a special 100th anniversary issue of RT which should be on sale early next week so maybe you'd like a copy for your collection?

  2. Nope, that news had thus far passed me by, CJ, so ta for that. I'll keep a lookout next week for a copy in WHS.

  3. That 100 years radio times anniversary issue is out now. It covers the tv schedule for 23 to 29 September

  4. Thanks, AL, I'll see if I can remember to buy one when I'm out at the shops today.


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