Sunday 3 September 2023


Seeing as it's Sunday, vivacious
Valerie Leon thought she'd dress
up in something nice for li'l ol' me.
 The gal done good, eh?


  1. She made a mark on me when I saw her in Blood on the Mummy's Tomb! Strikingly beautiful indeed.

  2. And I've got loads of great pics of her waiting in the wings, RJ. Just you wait and see.

  3. She's one of the sexiest women who's ever lived.

  4. Indeed she is, MH - but that's quite a long list, eh?

  5. Then lets shorten the list a bit. She's one of the sexiest women I've ever seen.

  6. Me too, but maybe we both need to look at more women.

  7. On Bank Holiday Monday Radio 4-Extra was celebrating the 65th anniversary of the first Carry On film and Valerie Leon was in Carry On Girls let's not forget.

  8. Hadn't forgotten, CJ, but if I listed every film she's ever been in, I'd be here all week. (A little hyperbole perhaps, but you know what I mean.) Right, I'm off to my scratcher to dream about Valerie.

  9. My favourite line of hers is in Carry On Again Doctor when she puts a newspaper down for Jim Dale and says "If you want it, it's there for you, Doctor" and he says "Oh I know it is." They just don't make them like that anymore.

  10. Met her in March at St albans tv and film festival. Got a wonderful signed photo. "Dear Andrew. Carry on always. Love Valerie Leon" Lovely lady

  11. There were lots of good one-liners in the Carry On movies, too many for me to chose a favourite, M. Did you see the episode of Sister Boniface in which they did a parody of the Carry Ons? The guy playing a Sid James type had his voice and laugh spot-on.


    Lucky man, AL, I'd love a signed photo of Valerie. Whenever we're out together I ask her for one, but she says "Why do you want a photo when you've got the real me?" (H'mm, wait a minute - that part might've been only a dream.)

  12. No, Kid, hadn't even heard of Sister Boniface. Had a quick Google and it looks as though it's on UKTV Play so I'll definitely have a watch of that.


  13. One of the sexiest jungle girls in cinema thanks to CARRY ON UP THE JUNGLE.

  14. I think you'll enjoy it, M, when you see the elements of parody in the stories.


    One of the sexiest girls in cinema - period, GP.

  15. Hi Kid! Hope all is well. I must admit, I first thought, who?? But then I remembered the Hammer film, and to my surprise she was in the Baron, Space 1999, etc. I see she signs stills from her career via mail order. And I'll have to check out these Carry On films. The only one I've seen is Carry On Screaming. Have any recommendations as to any good ones in the series? Take care now.

  16. Hi, LM, still got some health problems being looked into, though hopefully nothing too serious, thanks for asking. Most of the Carry Ons are pretty much the same in my view (always a few chuckles in them) so I can't really recommend one over another, though I've always had a soft spot for Screaming. Any with Valerie in them are bound to be worth watching simply for her presence. Cheers.

  17. My personal favourites in the Carry On series are "Carry On Spying", "Carry On Screaming" and "Carry On Cleo". I find the early Carry On films dull (1958 to 1963), but that's just my opinion, you might like them. In England you can buy a DVD box set of all 30 films for £26.

  18. Thanks for that, MH, I'm sure LM will appreciate your suggestions.

  19. Hi Mike Hood! Thanks for your suggestion! I have a multi region blu ray player so I think I'll look for the region 2 set. My only other option is renting the films on amazon for $6.00 each which is a bit steep!

  20. Nice to see when Crivvies are helpful to their fellows, and also when they appreciate such help. What a grand bunch of people we are.


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