Saturday 12 August 2023

MARVEL Facsimile Edition: WEREWOLF BY NIGHT #33 - Guest-starring MOON KNIGHT...


Here's another Facsimile Edition you may be interested in, Crivvies - Werewolf By Night #33.  You have a choice ahead of you - either run 'round to your nearest comicbook shop and buy a copy, or order one via eBay like I did.  The second option allows you to languish in front of the mirror for longer, admiring your appearance and sexual charisma.  Oops, my mistake - that's me I'm thinking of, because I have all the necessary qualifications to indulge in such a pastime, whereas most of you are probably unattractive blokes who don't have an unbroken mirror in the house (he said, in a kind and caring way).

On another matter, you'll be pleased to know that the 'Continued After Next Page' lines are present, along with the foot-of-the-page 'plugs' for various Marvel mags.  Unfortunately, a 'woke' box has been added to the foot of the splash page in a totally pointless exercise in case someone might take offense at anything.  I wonder whether it was werewolves they were anxious to avoid offending - whaddya think, Crivs?

Artie Simek's passing is noted on the Bullpen Bulletins page.  Hard to believe that it was 48 years ago, eh?  Artie was 'old school', in that he did all his lettering by hand - not like today's young pretenders who do it all by computer, using fonts created by someone else.  Cynical - moi?


  1. Surely the 'woke box' is better than not publishing the comic at all. It's no different to a plaque being added to a statue explaining that so-and-so was a slaveowner which is an alternative to removing the statue altogether.

  2. I think it's unnecessary, CJ, as there's nothing in the comic that I could see at which anyone could naturally take offence. Also, it compromises the comic's 'facsimile' status by having such a prominent addition to the splash page. I read somewhere that the maid in some Tom & Jerry cartoons was redrawn and revoiced to avoid causing offence with a 'racial or racist stereotype', but without a word of a lie, there was a canteen assistant who worked at IPC's King's Reach Tower who was of the same girth and spoke in the same way as the T&J maid. The mistake that some people make is to assume that one character of any particular ethnicity is meant to represent everyone in that specific group. It ain't so.

  3. Just read the Artie Simek page on Wikipedia, which is rather sad and short for someone who was a major contributor to Marvel in the sixties particularly. An unsung hero.

  4. Only 59 when he died, which is hardly old, B. When I met Stan Lee in 1991, he told me that Artie was Marvel's first letterer, but given Stan's memory, I'm not sure how accurate that is.


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