Friday 18 August 2023



You may have seen these 18 Savage Sword Of Conan covers before on Crivens in three separate posts a good while back, but I thought you might like to refresh your memories with an all-in-one omnibus re-presentation of them.  Issue 11 is the odd one out as it was specially drawn for the UK weekly edition it adorns and was never used in America (as far as I know), so it's unique among the Conan covers that Marvel produced.

Although the weekly survived for only 18 issues, a couple of years later the title was resurrected as a 52 page (I think) monthly, which lasted for 93 issues into 1985, but I no longer have them, having held onto only the first and the last.  However, I do have a long run of Conan Saga, which reused most of the same monthly covers, so if I ever find the time to dig them out of my cupboard and scan them, I'll do a post sometime in the future.

In the meantime, enjoy those on offer and let your fellow Crivvies know which ones are your favourites.  (Click on images to enlarge, then click again for optimum size.) 

Below, the first issue of the title in its revived format (monthly) a couple of years later...


  1. SSOC #2 was my first ever Conan comic and I also owned #3 and an issue near the end of the run but I can't recall which one exactly. I had numerous issues of The Avengers & SSOC and of SSOC monthly up until early 1981 or thereabouts.

  2. I find it interesting that these British versions appear in almost the exact order as their original American ones. The earliest Conan stories were very much a long saga of which each issue was merely a chapter. Reading them out of order does stifle some of the overall effect. That's true of most Marvel Comics of the era I guess but I remember noticing it more with Conan and that's likely because it was a different genre.

  3. Bet you almost wish you still had them, eh, CJ? Then you could sell them for quite a few quid. Okay, they'll probably never be worth as much as the US editions, but you never know for sure - there might be the odd one that's worth nearly as much.


    I suppose there was no real reason to print the Conan stories out of sequence, RJ, as that would've required changing the 'next issue' blurbs in the final panels and giving themselves extra work. In early Marvel UK mags (MWOM and SMCW) some characters who appeared in cameos were changed because their own series hadn't yet been reprinted, and the redrawing wasn't always up to scratch.

  4. I still remember the excitement of picking up that first issue along with issue 1 of the Super-Heroes with the Surfer, 2 of my all time favourite characters . Great days

  5. So do I, McS, and it doesn't seem that long ago, but (to indulge in a cliche) it seems like forever ago at the same time. I still have my original issues of both sets of magazines.


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