Friday 9 June 2023

The INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #1 Facsimile Edition...


The latest Marvel Facsimile Edition - The Invincible Iron Man #1 - arrived today at the halls of Castel Crivens, readers, and it's an absolute beauty!  That's it above, and my original issue below.  Unlike the DC Facsimiles, the ad pages are clear and sharp and, what's more, the 'Continued After Next Page' lines are present - not the case with every Marvel Facsimile, unfortunately.  (Still can't understand why they went to the bother of restoring the Comics Code stamp to the cover of X-Men #1 - missing from the first printing - but didn't restore the 'Continued...' lines.)

The asking prices on eBay for previous Facsimile Editions are going through the roof in some cases, so nab this one now while it's going for a song.  You'll be glad you did.


  1. I actually bought the original ( but regretably sold it in 1980). I never did see the one before it though with Subby though? It was an expensive time for me back then with Tales To Astonish, Strange Tales and Tales Of Suspense each splitting into two comics. balance things out, all five Power comics had merged into one around that time, so swings and roundabouts.

  2. Yes, there was a 'one-off' ish with Subby and Iron Man, JP, which I also have. I hope the do a facsimile of Subby's first issue as I don't have that one - only got a reprint in the 2nd series of Tales To Astonish.

  3. I much prefer the later masthead which looked like it was made of iron, with rivets in it.

  4. I love that cover, partly because I bought it off the stands new,and it was my first IRON MAN. Even thought it carried over plot-lines from TALES OF SUSPENSE, I found it easy to follow and was instantly converted. Archie Goodwin's writing was much wittier than any of the other writers who followed Stan's act, but not many later writers imitated him.

    I assume there's some scheduling snafu that resulted in that one issue of IRON MAN/SUB-MARINER, which also continued stories from the characters' respective split-books. The move must have aggravated those fans who had been following the split-books and didn't know where to look for the needed chapters.

  5. It wouldn't surprise me, CJ, if this one was done in a hurry just to be ready for the mag's release. Then maybe someone thought of trying to make the masthead reflect aspects of the character. (Even though IM's costume doesn't really have any rivets in it.)


    I've always wondered why that Iron Man/Subby one-off wasn't just the last ish of Tales Of Suspense, GP, before each character got their own mag. Maybe the new mags were scheduled and ready to go when someone realised that there were still two single stories of each hero to publish? Like you say, a 'snafu'.


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