Tuesday 27 June 2023



I'm sure that most of you knew a Terrific Cover Gallery wouldn't be too long in following on the heels of the one for Fantastic a couple or so posts back, so you won't be surprised to see all 43 covers laid before your hungry eyes.  As with the gallery for its sister publication, I've applied a little digital manipulation to tidy up the images to make them look as good as they possibly can, so send me cartloads of money to thank me for all my hard work on your behalf.  No?  Okay, then I'll settle for some comments instead.  Did you buy Terrific back in the day?  If so, what did you think of it?  And be sure to say what your favourite covers are and why.  Okay, go to it, tiger!

(Incidentally, unlike Fantastic, there were no Annuals or Summer Specials for Terrific.)  As usual, click on image to enlarge, then click again for optimum size.


  1. I'm always intrigued to see that classic artwork repurposed for other editions. These covers have a nifty fun light feeling to them.

  2. I'm always amazed at the colour mistakes in costumes, RJ. Bare legs on Captain America on #20 - just what were they thinking?

  3. I never bought Terrific and don't recall the free gifts which were usually a major reason to pick up these comics. I agree with Rip, nice covers. Were the early issues called Terrific or "Its Terrific"?

  4. I think the 'it's' was just part of the intro, McS, and not meant to be regarded literally as part of the title. Everyone just referred to the comic as 'Terrific', not 'It's Terrific'.

    1. That's right, Kid, but I always uesd to call it "It's..." simply because it was written up there.
      The perfect companion to Fantastic, I bought 'em all!

  5. With #8, the intro read 'The Best Of British Comics - It's...', so I wonder whether anyone ever called it that, JP.

  6. Neither did I, JP. I just called them Fantastic and Terrific. I seem to recall from the dim and distant days of my childhood, hearing someone once ask in a newsagent's, "Do you have the TV21?" Maybe I'm imagining it though.


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