Wednesday 31 May 2023


Copyright DC COMICS

I hadn't intended on purchasing any more articulated action figures, but then I saw the above Hasbro 9 inch Superman figure on eBay and spotted something that might come in useful, so I bought it.  Y'see, the figure's belt wasn't Supes' belt, but Batman's utility belt, and I thought I might be able to adapt it for use with my Louis Marx Twistable Batman toy.  How did Superman come to be wearing Batman's belt though?  A mix-up at the factory, or did a previous owner have both figures and somehow transposed them at some point?  Who knows, who cares, but the belt might come in handy, so I took the plunge.

The figure (from 1999) was 'used' and came without box or display stand, but as it cost only a few quid it was worth it.  I checked eBay for boxed versions to see what the correct belt looked like and it was perhaps a bit too thin anyway, so I simply made one out of yellow felt that appeared more accurate to my eyes.  Sure, it doesn't have the red loops like the one seen in the comics, but neither did the original one, and very few Superman figures of around this size have them anyway.  I haven't done anything with the utility belt yet as it needs adapting (if I decide to use it) to the Marx toy, but there's no hurry.

So one more Superman figure joins the ranks, and though he perhaps looks a little odd, I'm happy enough to have him.  Yes, collecting toys is arguably a strange pastime for a grown-up (there may be debate about that categorisation in my case), but if a few more grown-ups shared similar interests, then maybe there'd be a few less wars in the world.  (I rest my case, m'lud.)  


  1. When Superman was Superman and glad of it.

  2. It always concerns me when Superman's hair is parted on the wrong side. Henry Cavill and Brandon Routh are both guilty of this crime. Don't they realise that this (and the glasses) is what distinguishes Clark Kent from Superman and makes him unrecognisable? Then again they are not really Superman. Only Christopher Reeve is and always will be. Who's your favourite, Kid? I couldn't stand Dean Cain.

  3. I'll probably be accused of being a racist, but Dean Cain looked just a little too foreign (he's of Japanese descent through his father) for Superman, and he didn't have blue eyes. That apart, he did not a bad job of it. (Of course, Superman IS foreign as he's from Krypton.) Christopher Reeve's portrayal is undoubtedly the best though.


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