Monday 8 May 2023


Lovely Zoe McConnell, former Page 3
girl, reminds me slightly of Fay Rutter from TV's
Dickinson's Real Deal, though as far as I'm aware,
Fay's never got her kit off for the lads.  I understand ol'
David Dickinson once stripped off for the lasses, but
we won't be seeing that photo on this blog.  (Whew!)
The good news is Fay'll be gracing Crivens before
too long so keep your peepers peeled.


  1. You are right, Kid, she looks very much like Fay, especially in her younger days. I can comment on this with authority because I went to school with Fay, I actually used used to sit next to her in Maths. I hated school but Fay made it worthwhile turning up. The only difference I can see in the photo is that Fay had an 80s perm at that point. Very nice. ❤️

  2. All I can say, M, is - you're a very lucky, lucky man. I'm just about to post Fay now as today's Babe.


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