Thursday 23 March 2023


Just a quick post to keep my hand in.  Apologies for neglecting visiting other blog sites, but my mind's too preoccupied with various matters of concern at the moment to do them justice by reading or commenting on them.  Even this short post is a strain.

You'll perhaps recall me mentioning a Santa cake topper I received from a couple of neighbours, either towards the end of the '60s or the start of the '70s.  I don't have the inclination or the energy to repeat the story here, though you can read the details if you're interested by clicking this link.  After you've read it, click on the link contained there for the 'wrap-up'.

Anyway, a while back I managed to obtain a replacement of the figure via eBay, so above is a photo of it.  (It's good to share.)  In fact, that's another photo of it below.  (It's 4 centimetres tall.)  


  1. Who doesn't love a good Santa slalom?

  2. He's into just about everything, GP. He's got skis, a rocket sled (space blimp), and even a bike. His elves must work overtime.

    (I'm off to my scratcher, Crivvies. Any more comments will be answered once I've had my eight hours kip.)

  3. Santa is an all-purpose elf!

  4. And he gets any medical treatment he requires on the National Elf Service, RJ.

  5. Congratulations on finally acquiring this cake decoration, Kid - now you just need a cake!

  6. I'll need more than one cake, CJ, 'cos I'm a greedy b@st@rd.

  7. I somehow missed your original post, Kid, so it was an interesting and affecting read.

    I do empathise with that yearning for closure myself, to meet up with certain individuals from childhood where your memory tells you "you should have done better there".

    And that's a great cake Santa! I reckon one of my earliest joys in childhood was watching my Mum ice the Christmas cake and wheel out the various robins and decorations to go on a snow scene. Who knows where the decorations ended up, but I can visualise them now as clearly as seeing them.

  8. There's a follow-up to the story, B, in the post entitled 'Finally - The Fulfilment Of A Far-Away Promise...'. Also, there's more to tell about that Santa, but I don't have the energy at the moment. A tale for another day perhaps.


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