Friday 23 December 2022


Merry Christmas to all Crivvies everywhere.  This will probably be my last post of the year, but hopefully I'll be back in 2023 with a little more vim and vigour than I've had recently.  I also hope Santa brings you everything you wish for.  Below is a little extra treat for Christmas - Silent Night.


  1. Merry Christmas! Hope you guys over there are warmer than we are. It's freezing here this holiday season.

  2. Merry Christmas to you Kid and a happy New Year.Always a pleasure to read your tales of yesteryear and the comics and toys of our youth.I bought and read all the British Marvel from1972 to mid 80's but always viewed them as grossly inferior to their US cousins...but now with the 50th anniversary of MWOM #1 I want to read them again.Time plays tricks on all of us but it's always a pleasure to read your reminiscences.Best wishes.

  3. And a Merry Christmas to you too, Kid. At Christmas 1977 in German class we had to copy from the blackboard the origin of 'Silent Night' (or 'Stille Nacht') in 1818 but I've since read that that origin is invented bunk. I've already mentioned that this will be my first Christmas without the Radio Times for nearly 50 years and I've also eschewed the traditional Christmas food so I've had no mince pies and only one small slab of Christmas cake from Tesco which I ate around Guy Fawkes Night. Instead, for the coming days I've bought a large bag of Alpen muesli, two tubes of Pringles, a big bag of Burt's Mature Cheddar & Onion crisps and four bars of chocolate.

  4. It's been freezing here as well, RJ, and it's going to be again I've read. Caledonia has always been a cold place at this time of year, but this has been one of the worst (if not THE worst) in a long time. Merry Christmas to you, too.


    And it's always a pleasure to read your complimentary comments, Triple F, so feel free to keep 'em coming. 50th anniversary of MWOM, eh? Doesn't seem anywhere near as long as that on one hand, but seems ten times as long on the other. (Don't ask me how that works.) Merry Christmas to you and yours.


    I've got a couple of Iceland chicken dinners in the freezer, CJ, and they're my Christmas Day and New Year's Day dinners, respectively. I've already polished off two small selection 'boxes', but won't be getting any more as I need to watch my weight. I've got a box of six Kipling mince pies and I'll try and restrict myself to one a day from tomorrow. I like the nostalgia of the season, but to be honest, I can't wait until it's all over and we're past the first few days of 2023. Too much drinking, partying and fighting out there for my tastes. I prefer a silent night.

  5. The recent cold weather was unusually severe here in South Wales too, Kid. Near me there's a lake in the grounds of a large house which is now a museum and during the cold snap the lake froze over. It was very strange to see the birds walking on the surface of the lake.

    I forgot to say Nadolig Llawen - that's Merry Christmas in Welsh :)

  6. Well, that's one way of walking on water, CJ. And I forgot to say Merry Christmas in Scots - which funnily enough is the same as in English.

  7. Merry Christmas Kid when it comes, and all the best in 2023 ( hard to believe that's soon to be the year!). It was certainly cold here last week we had no water for 2 full days, thankfully not a burst pipe but an external frozen mains pipe. The US /Canada is in severe trouble with minus 40 temps arghhhh! Stay safe guys.

    Colin, Merry Christmas in Scots Gaelic is " Nollaig Chridhiel"

  8. Wishing a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all Crivenites..

  9. I think I heard someone on the telly say that the UK was the coldest it's been in around 40 years, McS, but your fearless host had two hot water bottles to protect him. Did you know that only 1.1% of the population speak Gaelic? It's hardly catching on, is it? Merry Christmas will do for me. (I struggle enough with English so I'm hardly going to make things difficult for myself by trying another language.)


    And same to you, LH. Hope you're over the worst of your illness.

  10. Kid, you said that you haven't bought the Christmas Radio Times for decades so did you get the TV schedules from a newspaper (obviously you can find them online now)? In our house we got the schedules from a newspaper until my father started buying the Radio Times in about 1975.
    By the way, if you're interested you can hear 'I'm Sorry I Haven't A Christmas Carol' (originally from 2003 and featuring the old 'Clue' gang) on BBC Radio 4-Extra. It's under the programme title 'Sue Perkins' Christmas Comedy Stocking' and it was broadcast this morning at 10am but it'll be repeated at 3pm and again at either 8pm or 9pm (I forget which).

    Thanks for that information, Paul - Nollaig Chridhiel to you :)

  11. Have a peaceful safe festive season, thanks for the reads!

  12. I just refer to either a newspaper or one of the TV mags that come with a newspaper, CJ. Having said that, I don't watch enough TV these days to worry about what's on and when. I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time sleeping - I must be getting old. I don't even listen to the radio much (if at all) either. And before you and McS start issuing festive greetings in Klingon, I'll just say it the normal way - Merry Christmas.


    The exact same to you, Mj, and thanks for reading.

  13. Hope you had a Merry Xmas. It was a balmy 78F in Southern California. Went for a bike ride. Had lamb roast for Xmas dinner.

  14. Had a quiet Christmas, PS, which is exactly the kind I prefer. It was white as well, which fitted the mood of the season perfectly.

  15. Hope you had a good Christmas, Kid. I'm fascinated by your featured Space Blimp of Christmas toy, which seems such a weird concept for a toy. I read your previous blog about acquiring it in Woolworth's. Who was the manufacturer?

  16. Why does everyone think Christmas ends on December 25th? It's still Christmas until January 6th.

  17. Hope Santa was good to you, B, and CJ as well. The manufacturer of Space Blimp was a company called LP Toys, which I'm led to believe was Chinese. There are few Blimp posts on the blog, so might be worthwhile typing Space Blimp of Christmas into the blog's search box and seeing what comes up.


    Dunno, CJ. I'm so lazy, I sometimes don't even bother taking down the decorations on the 6th. Everything has to go back into the loft, and I have to wait until I feel fit enough to go up and down the ladders several times.

  18. Merry Christmas and Happiest of New Years to you and yours from the fridgid wasteland of Wisconsin, USA. We are hoping our daughter makes it to our home safe from her home , which is 4 hours away as they are predicting freezing rain!
    My wife is a good cook so I have to watch out I don't eat too much. After retirement 4 years ago I've gained 15 pounds, so I better get out in the snow and exercise more.
    LOVED the toy you are so lucky to have these great collectables! I have to watch what I spend. Otherwise I would buy most of your cool toys (if I could even find them!)
    Take care now and will write more next year!
    Sincerely,John Morris

  19. And the same to you and yours of course, LM/JM - hope your daughter arrives safely. I must confess I DO have some great collectables, many of which are replacements for childhood toys made possible mainly via eBay. I doubt I'd be able to find other examples of them again due to their increasing rarity, so I count myself very lucky. Looking forward to hearing from you again throughout 2023.

  20. Hope you had a happy one, kid. Quiet for me. A Godfather marathon, too much chocolate, and more socks than I can shake a toe at. Here's to 2023!

  21. Happy enough, thanks, though it's always a quiet Christmas for me - has been for around the last 30 or so. And it's the same old story, I'm afraid - ALWAYS too much chocolate at this time of year. (I need to cut down.)

  22. That last comment was me, by the by. Don't know how I got anonymised. :)

  23. Neither do I, OD, but no probs. I now know it was you.


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