Monday 28 November 2022


Thought I'd show you just what can be done with a scanner and printer, plus some inexpensive frames from Poundland.  The pictures are A3 and look great up on the wall, adding a nice touch of colour to any room they adorn.  There's another one which I haven't hung yet, but I'll add it here once I find a space in one of my rooms for it.  So, whaddya think, Crivvies?

And below is the fourth poster, now up on my wall.  I'm not even slightly interested in John Dillinger, but I had the bigger sized version of this back in the early '70s, a 'free gift' with Kirby's 'In The Days Of The Mob' #1 (and only).  So it's yet another indulgence in nostalgia, nothing more.  There's a fifth poster, Christopher Reeve as Superman, but the Christmas tree is blocking the view of it at the moment, and I'm not going to risk dropping decorations all over the floor by attempting to move it.  I'll add a photo of the poster in the New Year.

And below is the Superman poster I promised to show you.  (I get there in the end.)  'Scuse the reflections on the clear plastic.


  1. The picture frames look great but I'm loving those noddy and big ears figures on the table !

  2. I'm not one for comic art on my walls but I have to say these look very nice. I always liked Noddy as a kid so its nice to see I'm not the only fan of the wee guy

  3. What?! How can you possibly ignore Yogi and Ranger Smith in the first photo, AL? (The Noddy wind-up figures are by Ertl, by the way.)


    I'll have to photograph them properly, McS, and add them to my post about clockwork figures. I think I bought these in the late '80s or early '90s.

  4. I never noticed the Yogi model Kid or the rather lets say "dashing" Pink Panther model!

  5. Pink Panther is a working table lamp, McS, bought decades ago in the Old Village quarter of the town. I saw it through the window one day and thought it was priced at £13.99 (the shop was closed), but it was only when I went back for it the next day that I realised it was £33.99. Whoever had written the price tag had made the £ sign look like a 1. (Inadvertently, of course.)

    1. My cousin bought me a Phantom light bust! It’s really cool but it’s not I’m my house any more it’s in my wife’s family house.

  6. What a nice way to reuse scans made for the blog. It's flexible enough to be updated.

    While I liked the original art of Noddy, the publisher, Sampson Low, had two other series of similar style books which I much preferred;

    Nicholas Thomas and Toby Twirl. Both were dropped at the success of Noddy which frankly after the first story, it was amazing that there were more stories. If that was first published today there would be an uproar about child abuse and racism.

  7. These look superb and the great thing is you can easily change them if you want to again for little expense. What sort of paper did you use? I tried to print some photos recently using proper photo paper and made a real mess of it!

  8. In Britain, I believe Noddy has had a few changes made going back several years (or more), T47. First, pictures of Noddy and Big Ears sharing a bed were omitted and (I think) new drawings of them each in their own bed were substituted. Also, Golly was changed into another character. Through a child's eye, I assume that Noddy and Big Ears in the same bed would've been viewed in an innocent 'Morecambe & Wise' way. It seems it's only adults who see bad in everything.


    Just used ordinary A3 printer paper, M. I'd have preferred card, but had none to hand. I can always do them again though, whenever I've got some A3 card. You probably had your printer on the wrong setting when you printed your photos, as unless it's set to 'photo paper', the results can be less than spectacular.

    1. Ah thanks for that tip Kid, I knew it would be something simple. I'd wasted so many sheets of photo paper, I gave up. I'll look for that setting next time.

  9. They look terrific - I've said before that you're very artistic, Kid.

    On a different subject, I was looking at the board games in Tesco and it's nice to see that the classics are still around such as Monopoly, Cluedo, Connect 4, Operation and Buckaroo.

  10. Ta, CJ. I think some of those board games are now made by other manufacturers, not the original makers. Whether there was a 'buy-out' or not, I'm unsure. Like you say, though, good to see that they're still around.

  11. No bother, M. If your printer is anything like mine (and I suspect mine is like most others), there is a quick option for printing. However, if you right-click on the thumbnail image in your photo file (or wherever the image is) and then click 'print', it should take you into your printer's way of doing things. If you then click 'options', you should be able to access your 'printer properties', which should allow you to choose the paper you're going to print on. There may be other ways of doing things of course, but that's how I do it.

  12. Kid, you asked me to update you on my full-fibre broadband installation - well, it happened this morning so my old phone line is now redundant and my landline telephone is now plugged into my router as that's the way I'll make phonecalls from now on. This new-fangled fibre broadband is supposed to deliver super-duper internet speeds but I can't notice any difference from my old phone-line broadband. BT also gave me a new cordless phone with rechargeable batteries but the batteries were flat just one day after I'd charged them so now BT are going to send me a new cordless phone in case there's something wrong with the first phone.

  13. My landline 'phone is also plugged into my router, CJ, but this means that if my broadband goes down, I can't use my 'phone as it goes down with it. I don't see why BT views this as 'progress'. Crazy, eh?

  14. Very nice work, Kid. If I had a printer capable of printing A3, I'd take a swing at doing it myself. I believe that A3 (297mm x 420mm) is just a tad larger than the drawn area of original comic artwork (10-by-15 inch original art drawn on 14-by-17 inch paper) so I'd be tempted to print some original artwork scans as well.
    What has driven your choice of covers? Presumably the comics chosen are linked to strong memories of a time and place.

  15. MWOM #1 was the first new weekly comic title I bought, 3 or 4 months after first moving into the house I live in, B. 51 was chosen because it reminds me of crawling over the rooftops of a centuries-old public house, and Conan #1 simply because I like the colours. I read #1 on the back doorstep of a friend's house in the early '70s, but never actually owned it until a few years back.

  16. So you've got full-fibre broadband too, Kid. And your Christmas tree is up :)

  17. I'm not sure it is full-fibre, CJ, as I've not had any BT workmen in doing anything for full-fibre. However, whatever my broadband is, my landline 'phone now works off it. And yes, my Christmas tree is up. I like to do things early, to make all the effort worthwhile for a decent length of time.

  18. Now I'm mystified, Kid. You can only plug your landline phone into your router if you've got BT's Digital Voice service which requires full-fibre broadband. My landline phone is plugged into my router and the router is plugged into a little box showing three green lights. A fibre-optic cable runs from the box to another box on the wall outside and a cable runs from that exterior box to a nearby telegraph pole. The whole job took a couple of hours to complete but you say you've not had any BT workmen in.

    Do you still put up two Christmas trees?

  19. I'm mystified as well, CJ, 'cos though I've got BT's Digital Voice service, my router is plugged into my 'phone socket on the wall, but there's been no workmen in to do any work and there's no outside box running to an exterior telegraph pole. There IS (and always has been) an outside telegraph pole, but as far as I'm aware, my 'phone service works from it the way it always has for decades.

    I have four Christmas trees. The two you're thinking of, plus a fibre-optic one (nothing to do with BT) and a table-top one.

  20. Kid, I'm baffled how your landline phone is plugged into your router while the router is still plugged into the phone socket as I thought that was impossible but I'm not an expert on the matter I admit.

    I assume your Christmas trees have lights on them so do you have the older style lights that plug into the mains or the new LED lights that require batteries? I haven't got a tree but I have got a set of 20 multi-coloured LED lights.

  21. I'm equally baffled, CJ, as I'm no expert either, but there's been no work done inside my house to convert me to full-fibre. Unless there was work done outside my house without my knowledge, but no box has been added to any of my exterior walls.

    Two of the trees have traditional lights, the larger one having electricity-powered lights, the slightly smaller one being battery-powered. The fibre-optic tree plugs into the wall-socket and colour-changing light 'flows' through the 'branches', the smallest (table-top) tree has no lights at all.

  22. Cool stuff, Kid!

    Would you mind if my blog was included on your list? Thanks:

  23. Get it back, PS, you'll only miss it if you don't.


    Yup, BH, I'll add you shortly, but I operate on a reciprocal policy, so I'll expect you to add mine to yours.

  24. You're on now:

  25. Was the Spy Who Loved Me poster one you made yourself as well? I always liked that poster. It was a shame that the Bond films have ceased the tradition of the painted Bond posters

  26. Yes, though I made that quite some time ago with an earlier scanner/printer from an image online. I actually own the original-size poster as well, given to me by the manager of my local cinema back in 1977/'78, now both gone, alas.

  27. Random stuff I have:

    Too many American Civil War books
    Memorabilia from Virginia ACW battle sites (including a Minie ball!)
    Copy from China of Pickett's Charge
    Too many Golden Age cartoon DVDs
    Too many Golden Age cartoon books
    Looney Tunes VHS poster
    The Complete Shakespeare
    Rio Bravo poster

    I am currently working on my comic collection (my cartoon one's close to done), mostly wanting Golden Age Marvel and DC. I wish the Omnibuses you had were easier to get!

  28. I don't have any problem getting the Omnibus editions. Give eBay a try, BH.


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