Saturday 29 October 2022


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Arrived today, My Fireball XL5 60th Anniversary Comic Anthology volume, containing all the XL5 strips from TV Century 21 and Countdown, plus 17 pages of new art and story by Lee Sullivan interwoven among them.  With interesting features and cover galleries, this is currently the best book in the world universe and may well remain so for a long, long time.  However, never mind what I have to say, read the scintillating spiel on the back cover, below.  (Click on image to enlarge, then click again for optimum size.)  Available from The Official Gerry Anderson Store right now!

On a personal note, it's hard to believe I watched this Gerry Anderson puppet show on its first run 60 years ago.  I think it's always been my favourite of the Anderson 21st century shows, with Stingray and Captain Scarlet a close second and third.  (Loved Supercar too, but it wasn't set in the 21st century.)  Just think - almost all of what made up the '60s, I was around when they first appeared.  The Beatles, Bond and Batman, and whatever else people of a certain age associate with that era - well, I was there!  (Okay, Batman first appeared in 1939, but his iconic status was cemented in the '60s with the Adam West/Burt Ward hit TV show.)

I think I've got most of these Fireball strips in other various reprint volumes (as well as many original issues), but it's great to finally have them all between the covers of a single deluxe hardback book.  Order yourself a copy today while they're still available. 


  1. Hiya Kidda, I was hoping that you would post about this! Mine arrived a couple of days ago and WHAT a beautiful book! And so hefty! And the icing on the cake for me is that it even contains the seasonal specials' strips as well! But I need to ask you, "How does the quality of the reproduction compare to that in the red Century 21 book?" As I am contemplating getting that as well now! I am now yearning for all of the TV Comic (+annuals) strips to be gathered together! "On our way back home!"...

  2. I'm surprised you got yours so quickly, JP, 'cos I ordered mine within seconds of it becoming available online, and they said it would be sent out on or around the 25th (which was a strike day). Did you get the signed version? I thought about it, but decided not to in the end. I see someone has got their signed copy on eBay for £224.95 or some daft price like that.

    Reproduction? The red Century 21 book (Vol 2) prints some pages from original artwork, so in those instances, the reproduction is far superior. Also, because the Century 21 book uses glossier paper, the reproduction appears slightly clearer and sharper, though I doubt the sources were any better than the Anderson book. As for the Anderson book itself, there is some indication on a few pages of images being slightly out of register (as it would've been on the pages they scanned or photographed from), but in the main, it's perfectly acceptable in most cases.

    I'd say it'd be well worth your while getting the Century 21 volume. (I've got all five.)

    1. I was surprised that it came so quickly as well, as I didn't actually order it until just after you asked me if I was going to get a copy. By then all the signed copies had gone, but I wouldn't have gone for it anyway. The book may seem a bit pricey to some, but it is well worth every penny. I will be getting the Century 21book as well and may just track down the other four afterwards!

  3. BTW, - I wonder how many readers noticed the significance of your red "A" that you started your post with?

  4. £40 for a book of that size with the majority of the pages in colour is quite a reasonable buy, I thought. Having said that, JP, I wouldn't have complained if it had been cheaper. Even I didn't notice the significance of the red 'A', seeing as how I start all my posts with a red letter (blue if it's a guest post). Imaginary Blue Peter Badge on its way to you.

  5. I 've been reading your blog for years Kid and it never registered with me that you start your posts with a red letter. I'm not a fan of Anderson's work ( loved it as a kid , especially Fireball XL5 and Cap Scarlet ,but lost interest as I got older) so what would have been the relevance of starting with a red letter?

  6. I didn't always begin my posts with a red letter, McS, I started doing it just a few short years back. However, whenever I revisit a post and it doesn't have a red letter, I change it to one. The 'significance' in this instance? 'A' for Anderson Entertainment, I assume. Loads and loads of artwork by Mike Noble in this volume, so it's one worth having for that fact alone.


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