Sunday 11 September 2022


"Whatcha all gapin' at?!  I was hooverin' my purple pants to give 'em a clean and forgot that my flies were undone, that's all!  It's not what you think is goin' on, so get outta here!"


If any of you Crivvies can think of a funny caption (not too rude please), then feel free to submit it.


  1. Is that a big Hulk or a small Henry hoover?

  2. Both, McS - big Hulk AND small Henry.

  3. Hoover: "Now I understand what the term Hooray Henry means".

    Hoover: "Calm down - I'm just investigating what happens to your underpants when you become the Hulk".

  4. Hulk: "Hulk not like this strange urinal - Hulk smash!!"

    Hoover: "The best thing about being a hoover is the sucking".

  5. How about this, CJ - Hoover: "This job sucks!"

  6. The strange creature from another galaxy greeted Hulk but didn't understand Earth customs.

    The sex shop had sold out of blow-up dolls so Hulk had to settle for what was left.

    The new-fangled "smart hoover" was more trouble than Hulk had anticipated.

  7. If it's got its nozzle down Hulk's trousers, CJ, it ain't very 'smart'. Hee hee!


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