Thursday 7 July 2022



  1. Depleted, but not defeated, S4A - thanks for asking.

    Apologies in advance to any future commenters, but it'll be a while before I respond to any more comments.

  2. Take care Kid - a wee break from things will recharge the batteries.

  3. Stay well my friend.Look forward to your next post.Always interesting and thought provoking.

  4. Sorry, Kid. Had a couple of family members in hospital over the last few weeks. Trying to catch up with what I’ve missed. Hope you come back soon. I’ve stepped away from my blog for awhile too. Frustrating when you put work in and no response.


  5. Best wishes Kid and hope it's not too long until we can enjoy your posts again.
    Big D

  6. No need to respond Kid - just to let you know we're thinking of you.

  7. Whyyy? I shall miss you . Very few people know what I mean when I say Lord Snooty, Robot Archie and Korky the Cat.

  8. Christopher Nevell13 July 2022 at 05:52

    Wishing you all the best Kid

  9. Hope you are feeling ok.
    I've been enjoying reading your posts, but it has been a busy summer, and I haven't responded lately.
    Take care now, and I hope to read more of your great posts soon.
    Right now I'm redoing my basement, because we bought 5 teak bookcases at an estate sale, and I got the brilliant idea that I would fix up our 120 year old basement ceiling.
    So I have moved almost a third of my books to accommodate these sheves, most of which are still in the garage.
    Anyway, see you whenever, from your friend in Wisconsin in the good old USA.

  10. Christopher Nevell21 July 2022 at 22:41

    Just putting my head round the door to say Hi. Hopefully see you soon.

  11. Thanks for all the good wishes, folks, and apologies for taking so long to respond. I don't want to present myself under false pretences though, as I'm not actually ill as such, just completely devoid of energy at the moment and doing a lot of sleeping. I'm sure a little break for you from my witterings on Crivens is probably no bad thing. Cheers, everybody.

  12. Kid, today (July 28th) would have been my mother's 90th birthday, Bernard Cribbens has died, the Commonwealth Games are starting and now you've returned sort of. Glad to hear you're OK though!

  13. Thanks for the kind sentiments, CJ. Did you do anything to remember your mother, seeing as it would've been her birthday?

    (I'm still 'resting', so might not get around to replying for a bit.)

  14. Well, I mentioned her on Crivens but that's all really.

  15. At least you remembered and mentioned her, CJ, which I'm sure she'd be glad of.


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