Monday, 27 June 2022


Fellow Crivvies, rejoice with me.  Remember the cardboard/papier-mache Yogi Bear mask I've previously mentioned owning back in my childhood?  (Had it twice, on two separate occasions: First time in 1963 or '64, second in '65 or '66 - both bought from the same Woolworth's store in my local shopping centre.)  I've just acquired one on eBay after the seller kindly contacted me to say he had one.  Because it was such a fragile item all those years ago, I was resigned to the distinct possibility that few, if any, would've survived and I was unlikely ever to see one again, so I've never been more happy to find my pessimism was misplaced.  That's one of the seller's photos above, I'll show my own photos once it arrives.  Hey, I'm happier than the average eBay buyer.


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