Thursday 21 April 2022


Images copyright their respective owners

Why didn't I spot it before?  I was looking through some boxes a few days ago and rediscovered my collection of TV Film Memorabilia magazines, of which I've always believed I had the complete set.  I hadn't looked at them in a good while due to the fact I'd forgotten where they were, so I copped a gander at all the covers - but what was this?  The first issue was dated May, but the next issue I had was dated July - yet it was a monthly periodical.  Here indeed was a mystery worth investigating.  I noticed that in the first number's 'next issue' page none of the features matched what was in the next one I had, so that was a definite indication that something wasn't right.  Why hadn't I noticed it before though?

I immediately logged on to eBay and tracked down the apparently missing issue, complete with free gift, but was it possible I already owned the mag and had carelessly allowed it to become separated from its fellows?  Going by the seller's photos, nothing rang a bell, so I bought it and it arrived today.  Poring over its pages, there's nothing familiar about it and surely I'd have remembered the free gift.  I can only assume I bought issue #1 as it was about to go 'off sale' and purchased #3 when it first appeared in WHS, so the gap between issues didn't seem inordinately long and is maybe why I hadn't realised I'd missed an ish.

The title first came out in 2007 so it's taken me around 15 years to notice my complete set wasn't so complete after all.  It is now though, so all's well that ends well I suppose.  This ever happened to any of you Crivvies?  Y'know, not realising you had a gap in a collection and thinking you had every issue?  If so, help make your genial host feel not quite so inept by sharing your stories in our ever-hungry comments section.  Incidentally, only the first two monthly mags out of 20 are numbered -  none of the remaining 18 are, which is perhaps why I didn't notice the gap 15 years ago.  (There was also an 'Annual' for 2010.)

Right, now I'm going to read the mag, then pull out the box its fellows are in from the cupboard and 'reunite' them.  Don't you just love a happy ending?


Incidentally, look at the free supplement below that came with #2; there was also one about toys that came with #1, but it wasn't advertised on the cover, only alluded to in the editor's page at the back of the mag.  I no longer recall whether or not it was present in the issue I bought as, not being mentioned on the cover, I wouldn't have noticed its absence if such were the case.  If it was included, I no longer remember and wouldn't know where I stored it at the time or where to even begin looking for it.  If any of you own a copy of the supplement and would like to sell it, I'll buy it off you - so let me know.  If I do already have it and ever find it, I'll post a cover gallery of the mag and include the supplement.

Update: Haven't found my own copy of the first gift yet (if I have it), but I bought another issue #1 from eBay, along with the giveaway - so here it is.  Nice to finally have both booklets.

Another update: Ha!  I had it all along - just found where I had it stashed, though it took me six months to locate it.


  1. The supplement says "Do You Remember 50 Great TV Shows You May Have Forgotten" but the photo on the right is of Richard Briers and Felicity Kendal, ie Tom & Barbara, from 'The Good Life' which is one of the most classic comedy series ever made so I'd be surprised if anybody had forgotten it, considering it gets repeated fairly regularly and the 1977 Christmas episode is shown almost every year.

  2. That'll be why they said "may have", CJ, instead of being more definite. And you have to remember that the show has had 15 years to be repeated more often since that supplement was first published.

  3. I couldn't make out the other two photos but on closer inspection I see that the one on the left is The Clangers - another classic which surely nobody has forgotten??

  4. As with all things, CJ, some people will never forget some TV shows they watched, and others will. It all depends on the person and whether whatever show made (or didn't make) an indelible impression on them. When we remember something, we kind of expect everyone to remember it, but it doesn't always work like that. I agree though, that it's unlikely most people will have forgotten The Good Life - or even The Clangers, but there's bound to be some that have.

  5. Incidentally, the middle pic is Adam Adamant. You really need to get something with a bigger screen. And remember, if you click on the image, it'll enlarge.

  6. My problem is that sometimes back in the days when I tended to my back issues with more diligence, I'd get creative and arrange books by themes or characters or some such nutty notion and later I couldn't find a book when I sought it out. Nowadays I just can't find stuff period most of the time.

  7. I did wonder if I'd kept this issue separate because of the Gerry Anderson and TV21 articles, and just forgot to put it back with the others once I'd read them. However, nothing about the ish rings a bell so I must just not have known about it at the time, RJ. A few things apart, I don't know where most things are these days so have to rely on finding them by accident when I'm going through boxes, drawers, and cupboards. (My shaving mirror's broken, so it's just as well I at least have a good memory for faces.)

  8. I don't really bother about full collections anymore, I don't think I really ever did. I do like to get as many comics as I can by favourite artists but again I'm not to worried if I dont get them all of I lose one. The only time I remember being a bit out out on missing an issue was for the Mighty World of Marvel when there was a strike on and the publication schedule went haywire and I realise I missed an issue but a friend have me his.

  9. Yeah, but to have only 19 issues of a 20 issue set (not that it was intended to be a limited series, it got cancelled) annoyed the hell out of me when I discovered an issue was missing, McS. There was a 12 ish series of Sgt. Rock, of which I had 4 of the first 6 (though not in sequence) so I bought the missing two via eBay, giving me the first 6, but I decided not to bother with the remaining 6. Just so long as there were no gaps between the ones I did have was enough. And we should all have friends who are prepared to part with an issue of MWOM, eh?

  10. Kid, I didn't have a clue about the middle photo - I've heard of Adam Adamant but the series was a bit before my time as I was a toddler when it was originally broadcast. So for me Adam Adamant is not a forgotten series but one I never knew in the first place.

  11. Maybe you've forgotten seeing a repeat of it though, CJ, eh? You could've done and then not remembered. And no doubt loads of other people who saw it at the time "may have" forgotten it until being reminded by the supplement.


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