Tuesday 15 March 2022


Copyright DC COMICS

Coming soon on Crivens - the 25 cents, 52 pages, 11 issue run of Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane.  Before that, however, the first ish to return to 36 pages - mainly because Lois looks hot on this one!  So today's Babe, fellas, is The Man Of Tomorrow's burd (as we say in Glasgow) - Lois Lane.  (Drool!)


  1. Bob Oksner was rendering these covers at the time, and he drew an attractive dame indeed. Some of the Lois Lane covers from this era are downright lascivious, not that that's a bad thing necessarily.

    Rip Off

  2. Oh, they were definitely 'good girl' art, RJ, and probably the main reason for me buying them. Or at least the main reason they first attracted my attention.


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