Monday 21 February 2022



I'll be totally honest - I bought this comic purely because of the cover 'tribute' to Journey Into Mystery #83, wherein ol' Goldilocks made his first appearance back in 1962.  I've no actual intention of reading it - or any of the rest of the five part series; haven't even bought them, got no plans to do so.  I just like the fact that it's based on the cover of Thor's debut ish and I know I'll enjoy looking at it and comparing it to its predecessor.

Take a look at that page below though.  Remember when you opened a comic and were met with a dynamic splash page that drew you in and made you want to continue reading?  The one in front of you is what constitutes a splash page these days, Crivvies, but I find it a sheer turn-off.  I reckon this sort of thing would make potential buyers put it back on the shelf without any further browsing - it certainly would me.  (Just as well I bought it on eBay and only for the cover then, eh?  Otherwise I'd send it back.)

So enjoy the latest, up-to-date interpretation of the Thunder god's first cover battle with The Stone Men From Saturn and remember when comics used to attract rather than repel.  Or am I overstating the case?  Well, why not take me down a peg or two in the comments section?!  Express yourselves!


  1. One thing about reading the earliest Marvel epics is the cavalcade of aliens that populate the stories. The "Stonians" are just one gang that dropped to Earth to create trouble. The Skrulls are a big deal now but when they first battled the Fab 4 they were yet another mob from the stars whipped by Earthers. It's all highly regulated now and codified but back in those carefree days of the early Silver Age aliens were a poppin' up all over. (Including from the planet of Poppup no less!)

    Rip Off

    1. The stone men should face off with the lava men. Ben Grimm could officiate.

  2. Talking of the Impossible Man, he really was a ridiculous idea when you consider it, RJ. Instant evolution? Then it's not evolution really, is it, if you instantly bypass the intermediate stages. Having said that, I have a degree of fondness for old Impy, but (if he didn't already exist), he probably wouldn't be created for today's comics on the grounds he's - well, impossible.

  3. That full page recap reminds me a bit of the weekly update on continued adventure, sports etc type stories that appeared in comics like Lion, Buster,Hotspur etc. I thought Marvel were using that page so it looked like cinema credits. A waste of a page ( a bit pretentious) but personally it doesn't really bother me, not that I buy many comics nowadays. Nice cover though.

  4. Yeah, but then it was just in a little caption box, McS, not taking up a full page. It's just not very inviting when you open the cover and are met with a complete page of boring text instead of a dramatic visual to draw the reader in. It's because many (if not all) stories nowadays are planned and paced with collected edition status in mind, so these pages are disposable fillers which aren't intended to make the final cut. In a way, it's like Eon making a Bond movie, then releasing it in several instalments - with a recap to the beginning of parts 2 to 5 - before being issued in its complete form. I just don't find it very appealing. Many readers will wait until the collected edition anyway, instead of buying the monthly issues, so it'll negatively affect regular sales I would've thought.

  5. Now there's an idea, PS. And what about the Gray Gargoyle?


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