Saturday 12 February 2022


I was in Farmfoods yesterday (Friday) evening and was surprised and delighted to see that Zoom ice lollies had made a comeback.  I last saw them in a shop around 20-odd years ago (at least), and have had to make do with generic 'rocket' ice lollies from various stores whenever the mood took me to try and re-experience a bit of my ice lolly past.  Fab ice lollies have been available (as far as I know) since they were first introduced back in the '60s, so I assume that they're perhaps just a bit more popular than Zoom - unless stores in my area simply haven't stocked it in order to sell their own versions. 

Anyway, I bought a box of each lolly and once I've scoffed them, I'll be keeping the boxes and wrappers.  In what will look like a seamless bit of production to you Crivs, I've included some ads for these lollies that appeared in TV Century 21, but in actual fact, as I type these words I've yet to dig them out and scan them for your perusal.  Apologies if I've spoiled the illusion of pre-planned perfection when producing these posts, but the truth is I very often just trot them out 'on-the-hoof' as I go along.  

Ah, what the heck - might as well throw in some TV ads as well.  As usual, your thoughts, theories, observations, and reminiscences are most welcome in the comments section.


  1. I bought a box of Zooms last night in my local Coop.I'm pretty sure these have been on sale for some time, certainly Fab have been available for quite a few years as I pick them up now and then. I always associate Zoom with the first issue of the IPC Smash comic as remember buying both in my local shop back in 1969 with my pals at the time.

  2. It seems that Zoom and Fab were available for many years, McS, with Fab never disappearing from sale since it was first introduced. (And it was nice to see it promoting the Thunderbirds movie back in 2004.) Zoom was the same, but like I said, in my neck of the woods it just seemed to disappear around 20-odd years back, with generic 'Rocket' (that's what they were called) ice lollies in their place. However, it would be nice if it has been continually on sale since the '60s and I just didn't see it for some reason over the last several years.

  3. No longer made by Lyons Maid though.

  4. Yup, noticed that, CJ - and two of the Zoom flavours are different as well.

  5. It looks like picture cards are no longer a promotion for ZOOM.

    Do picture cards appear as a marketing device with any British food product?

    Here in the US there was a revival in the 90's, Breakfast Cereal and cupcakes for example, now nothing.

  6. Meant to add was good to see that last advert that pointed out Fab aimed at girls I recall mentioning this once on a blog and some folk thought it wasn't true . I don't recall Seajet ice lollies as mentioned on the last ad at all, looked nice.

  7. I think 'picture cards' (and stickers) are now the province of Panini and similar companies, T47, and are mainly sold as opposed to being given away (though there are exceptions). If there's been a revival in the UK, it's passed me by.


    The TV21 ad says Fab is made for girls, McS, so it was well-know from the get-go. Having said that, I don't recall noticing that at the time and probably bought a few at the time, as did a lot of boys. I do remember Seajet and I'm sure I bought a few of them as well, but can't recall exactly what it tasted like.

  8. I never knew Fab was aimed at girls and neither did anybody else when I was a kid - how utterly absurd that an ice lolly can be either male or female.

  9. Why not, CJ? Dolls were for girls, Action Man was for boys, as were lots of other things (like comics), so if Lyons Maid wanted to adopt the gimmick of aiming it 'specially' at girls (to attract attention), it doesn't bother me. And as you said, most boys didn't know it was made with girls in mind, and there was nothing in the ads forbidding boys from buying it if they wanted to. And I don't think ice lollies have gender - only those who buy them.

  10. I definitely want those! It reminds me of flake chocs. I was watching a video about flakes and strangely they don’t melt unless you eat them or hold them in your hand. If you just try heating them in an oven they just burn. They need the moisture. Who knew eh.

  11. I certainly didn't, PS, so thanks for sharing. I'm tempted to buy a Flake and test it out, but that would be a waste of a good Flake.


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