Wednesday 2 February 2022



In Britain, traditionally, the first three numbers of a new comic were accompanied by a free gift of some sort.  The idea being that if a potential buyer was dithering on whether to purchase the new periodical, the offer of something extra for his or her money would be the clincher.  Three issues in, the publisher's hope was that the reader was hooked and would come along for the rest of the ride - the duration of which would depend on the comic's lifespan (and vice versa I suppose, as it was a bit of a circle).  Get enough of a momentum with those first three issues though, and it might last a good long while.

Which might be why I got into the habit of buying 1-3 of most new titles, but it eventually extended beyond that, with me doing the same even when no free gifts were on offer.  There's just something about a 'trilogy', isn't there?  If I then decided the comic wasn't remarkable enough for me to continue with it, at least I had the initial issues, which were surely destined to become the most collectable ones.  There were occasional exceptions where a comic would also have a free gift in #s 4 & 5 (and sometimes beyond), so I'd buy them too, just to have all the early gift issues.

Back in 1980-'81, Marvel UK launched a series of digest-sized monthlies called Pocket Books, starring various characters in each one.  Among the series I bought was the first two issues of Conan The Barbarian, with me never setting eyes on the remaining 11 issues and therefore being unable to buy them.  Over the years, whenever I've been looking through my collection of these titles, it's always bothered me that I didn't have the first three numbers.  "Must track down #3 one day" I'd remind myself, and then forget about it the second I stashed my Pocket Books back in the cupboard.

Well, that day has almost arrived, and CTB #3 will shortly be arriving at Castel Crivens, meaning I'll now have a better numerical representation (by one) of the title.  I didn't really need it if I'm honest, as I have the first 59 Conan issues in four Epic Collection volumes, and various other reprints of some later tales.  That means that I don't really require all 13 issues of CTB Pocket Book, but I'm not completely ruling out obtaining the remaining 10 numbers at a later date.  For the moment though, I'm satisfied with having turned the clock back 41 years into the past, and finally owning the trio of issues I should've had back then.

It feels good to complete a task after so long a time, and what makes it even more special to me is that I purchased #s 1 & 2 when I lived in my present abode the first time round (before my family and myself moved elsewhere for just over four years), and have now secured #3 while again inhabiting the same house I was in when I bought the other two, after returning to it 34 and-a-half years ago.  And you know what I'm going to say, don't you?  Only seems like yesterday.

Any of you Crivs ever buy this title?  Were later issues wall-to-wall Conan (like the two I have), or did the mag eventually start reprinting Kull or Red Sonja as back-up tales?  If you know, then enlighten me in the comments section, frantic ones.

(Update: Comic has now arrived, so I've replaced borrowed image with a scan of my own copy.)  


  1. I have the first issue around here somewhere, just one of the countless times I've bought that debut issue in some format or other. That cover from Conan the Barbarian #1 is like catnip for me.

    Rip Off

  2. Regarding the first issue of Conan, RJ, I bought 11 copies of the recent facsimile, so I've lost count of how many reprint issues I have now. Must be around 30 or so - if not more.

  3. I bought Conan Pocket Book #1 but I don't remember owning any of the rest.

    Kid, why on earth would you buy 11 copies of the Conan #1 facsimile???

  4. Yes, you're right, CJ - I should've bought more!

  5. I only picked up a handful of the Marvel Pocket books at the time as I was getting a tad fed up Marvel UK comics by 1980 s and move as they are pretty decent books and go for a few bob. 11 copies of Conan 1 facsimile still giggle my mind. I picked my copy up last week in Glasgow not opened it yet.

  6. The reason I bought so many, McS, was because some had been published with a paper crease on the cover, so I kept buying more until I had five that were perfect. That gives me six spares, which I can either give away to friends as and when the fancy takes me, or keep them until the facsimiles are each worth a load of dosh.

    Number 3 of the Pocket Book was a 100 page mag with five full-length Conan tales, but the print quality isn't consistent, with the fine detail on some pages being almost completely lost - a common fault with the line of PB mags.

    Remember not to eat toast while you're reading your facsimile of #1.


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