Thursday 17 February 2022



It's an interesting idea.  Take FF #1 and Annual #3 and have a whole bunch of contemporary artists redraw these two classic tales in one issue.  Some pages are drawn by one artist, some by two, and others three, though both stories retain Stan Lee's original scripting.  One cover is a homage to the 1961 ish, the other (variant) cover is a tribute to the '65 Annual and uses the original lettering.  To be honest, I think I'd have preferred to see Jack Kirby's original pages given the modern colouring on display here, but I think they're nice little collectors' items and I'm glad to have them.  Contents are the same in both comics, only the covers differ.

Anyway, thought you Crivvies might like to see this modern take on these '60s classics, so enjoy!  


  1. These are like remakes of classic movies. They can be good in their own way, but they will always be derivative. I'm not bothered by that, but it seems this is an attempt to sell the vintage stories to modern readers with modern tastes. Not unlike colorized movies from decades ago I'm in favor as long as the new version is NOT a replacement for the classic. I don't think that will be a problem now but many years hence the greatness of the originals might be tucked away like George Lucas did with the original Star Wars movies.

    Rip Off

  2. I just bought them because I liked the alternate takes on two classic covers, RJ. Things like that usually always appeal to me.

  3. That's a great cover it's both modern but harks back to those classic 60s covers at the same time. Sadly, I doubt that many new readers are interested in the original Kirby classic issues. The art and story telling are far removed from what is presented to today's readers as entertainment.

  4. Yeah, today's comics are all talking heads and 'pin-ups', McS. They're paced to make sense when they're all collected in the one edition, but that hardly makes for exciting and entertaining monthly mags - with a few exceptions of course.

  5. I first read the wedding of Reed & Sue in the FF Pocket Book #1 in 1980 and I'm still wondering why Dr. Doom is reading the back page of the newspaper - I suppose he'd already moved on to the sports pages by the time we joined him.

  6. Or maybe the front page carries the headline and there are more details on the back page, CJ. I've still got that FF Pocket Book from 1980 - the original one I bought at the time.


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