Friday 7 January 2022



Would you believe it?  I took all my Christmas decorations down yesterday and tucked them away, only to wake up today to an exterior view of a thick white blanket of snow as far as the eye can see.  It's not fair, as I'd love to have taken some photos (which I did anyway) of my decorated living-room, with the snow visible through the windows.  Ach well, maybe next year.

Anyway, experience tells me that the first post in a series usually garners far more 'hits' than subsequent ones, but never mind, I've elected to show you a few more covers of Marvel Tales issues anyway.  Same deal as last time, Crivs - if you had any of these magnificent mags back in the day, feel free to leave a comment saying which ones were your favourites and why.

Remember - this blog needs you!

Quite a jump between #26 and 100, but the latter was lying around, so I decided to include it anyway.  I just can't help but spoil you. 


  1. Kid, the Christmas season officially lasts until Candlemas on February 2nd and in some countries the Christmas decorations stay up until then so you could have kept yours up too if you'd wanted. I didn't have a tree but I do have 20 battery-operated fairy lights draped over the radiator in my bedroom and they'll probably stay there until my birthday on 17th February.

    The "Spidey Goes Mad" story was re-printed in the 1975 Giant Superhero Holiday Grab Bag, wasn't it?

  2. Many a time I've left the decorations up well into February before, CJ, but I thought I'd just get it over with this year for some reason.

    I know the Spidey story was definitely reprinted in one of the Grab Bags ('cos I've got it), so I'll assume you're right that it was the 1975 one. (Can't be bothered checking.)

  3. Kid, I envy your blanket of snow - we had some snow here too which was nice to see but it didn't stick and soon turned back to rain again.

  4. It rained overnight, CJ, so there were only little patches left when I got up this morning. It's just about all gone now, but thankfully we had snow for at least a full day.


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