Tuesday 18 January 2022


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I recently showed you the Dynamite Comics facsimile of Red Sonja #1, but then I decided to obtain the original Marvel Comics version to replace the one I had back in the '70s.  So that's it above and also below, alongside the Dynamite copy.  I've just acquired issues 2-14 as well, so once I track down #15 (last ish) I'll do a cover gallery for all you cavortin' Crivvies to ogle at.

Right, hands up all those who fancied Red Sonja when they were a teenager?  Tell all in the comments section.  Go on - you've got nothing better to do at the moment anyway.  (Or you wouldn't be reading this load of ol' mince, would you?)


  1. The only issue of Red Sonja that I ever owned was the penultimate one, #14, in which Red gets trapped inside a giant clam for some reason - obviously a lot more happened in the story but that's the bit I remember. It's a pity that Red Sonja's original run only lasted for 15 issues, but it was only ever a bi-monthly which suggests that Marvel didn't have a lot of confidence in a female version of Conan.

  2. Had early issues been a hot seller though, CJ, frequency would've soon been upped to monthly publication. That's what happened with FF and other titles. Sonja had a 7 issue run (I think) in Marvel Premiere before getting her own title, so it seems likely that those sold well, otherwise she'd never have been given her own mag.

    But never mind all that! What do you think of my Yogi Bear Bop Bag? Great, innit?

  3. Oops! There's that little ol' Brain Fog again. It was Marvel Feature, not Premiere.

  4. I had every issue of Marvels Red Sonja ( and Marvel Premier) from this time , I think I still have some of them in the loft. Always liked Frank Thornes art.

  5. If you've got #15 in decent condition I'll buy it from you, McS. Get yourself up that ladder now.

  6. P.S. And why'd you delete your comment on Baggsey's blog? I never got to read it.

  7. Red Sonja is an interesting character in books and comics but the awful miscast movie didn't do the character justice. Xena, Warrior Princess, took the same idea and entertained with a lighter touch and better casting.

  8. I wonder if Xena perhaps came about from the makers being unable to obtain the rights to Sonja, T47? Or was at least inspired by Red. Whaddya think?

  9. I will check and see if I have issue 15 later this week for you Kid.

    I deleted my message on bagseys blog as I was typing it when waiting in hospital with a family member who was there to get a blood
    test and ECG..... 11 hours later (5.20am) she eventually got seen to. I started to type message late on so was to tired to check it and lost my train of thought so deleted it. I will re write it soon so you can marvel at my thoughts ( it's a great post).

  10. 11 hours? Shocking? I was at my local hospital a couple or so months back and waited around 5 hours, so I know how you feel. Hope your family member is okay. I'm waiting for the results of a biopsy which I'm told can take several weeks, which just seems to drag by. Hopefully it won't be bad news, I'll just have to wait and see.

    Yeah, if you've got #15, as long as it's not tatty I'll give you some dosh and a few goodies. If I see it on ebay first, I'll obviously buy it, but I'll let you know to spare you climbing that ladder. Don't want to fatigue a man of your age. (Chortle!)

  11. The Hercules TV show was more Conan than Hercules so in adding a female character it's probable that Red Sonja was indeed the influence.

    Before it was a series Hercules was at least one TV Movie which I happened to catch half way through when it was first broadcast. I thought the acting was pretty bad but was fascinated by the country scenery. Stayed with it to view the closing captions and saw it was NZ. That at least explained why ancient Greeks has Maori tattoos!

  12. Only ever saw Hercules when he guested on Xena's show, T47. I did watch that on occasion, 'cos there was a bad blonde lady who was a total stoater. (Xena wasn't bad either of course.) Wasn't too mad about her wee sidekick though.

  13. Good luck with you biopsy Kid. Yeah 11 hours for an 85 year old is shocking but the place was mobbed - they had to take two ambulances off the road to keep patients in as they had no free beds. I don't think COVID is finished with us yet.She had to get kept in ( she's still there) and they found a bed for her another 4 hours later ( I had to leave for work, Linda took my place I didn't leave her). I'll check for Sonja at weekend .

  14. Ta, McS. Hope your relative comes through her ordeal unscathed and is soon back in her own home. Hospitals are the worst place to be (mentally speaking) when you're ill.

  15. The female companion to Zena was as useless as Robin was to Batman, forming an excuse to explain the plot. The rival to Zena, Callisto, was an equally violent female that provided the all important girl on girl fight aspect to attract youthful male viewers.

  16. Yeah, Callisto - that was her name. (Same name as Major Matt Mason's alien buddy.) Xena and Callisto - they're welcome to visit my house any time.

  17. The Red Sonja stories were up and down in terms of quality of art and scripts. I liked Thorne's GHITA better (even though in terms of design she was just a blonde Sonja) but I think she only had two outings. I feel like Sonja is moderately well known outside comics-circles, but that may be because of T-shirts and similar paraphernalia.

  18. Yeah, I've read a few issues now and the stories aren't consistent, GP. Maybe the Brigitte Nielson movie raised Sonja's profile among the general public too.

  19. I looked up the SONJA film on Wiki and it was a bomb. However, unlike dozens of other barbarian films, people could look at the VHS cover and say, "Who's that?" and someone might say, "this sword-babe from the CONAN comics." And maybe it helped that Arnie himself plays a supporting role in SONJA, so the film might've gained a greater rep in the video market.

  20. I think I've seen bits of it on TV from time-to-time, GP, without ever seeing the whole movie. Maybe I'll keep a lookout for the next time it's on and watch it then. Yeah, I'd say you're right - enough people would've known who Sonja was to inform those who didn't if they saw the cinema poster or video cover.


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