Monday 31 January 2022

CRAZY #1...


It could be anything from 30 years upwards - I honestly can't remember.  Was I living in this house or the previous one when I acquired a replacement for my original issue of Crazy #1 (bought in Blackpool in 1973) - who can tell?  However, it was a long time ago, that's for sure.  Thing is, the replacement's cover was pretty mangled, so I cut off the front cover and attached it (with Pritt) to a fold-over piece of paper to serve as a new cover, even though the insides and back were blank.  Fact is, I just preferred neatness over defacement.

Today I received a better condition copy of that first issue (an abridged reprint of Not Brand Echh #8, which I also own), but I won't be disposing of the other one - simply had it too long to so callously discard it.  Anyway, thought I'd display the contents and remind myself of that holiday in Blackpool 49 years ago, as well as show you what you missed if you didn't see this ish back then.  I thought it was all brand-new material at the time - it wasn't until years later I learned it was reprint.  Not that it mattered as it was all new to me, never having seen its original presentation.

We holidayed in Blackpool two years in a row - '73 & '74.  As well as Crazy #1, I also obtained several issues of Kirby Fantastic FoursBuscema Silver Surfers, and also various other years-old mags (all 'brand-new', off the spinner-racks), but I can't recall whether I got them all during one holiday or if some of them were spread over the two - both times seem to meld into one in my mind.  However, one glance at any of them and I'm back in Blackpool in the early '70s, and my faraway youth seems closer for an instant, not lost in the mists of history.

Enjoy the piccie-wiccies.


  1. Love these old "Marble" comics. The Bullpen led by Stan was very adept at mocking itself and that made it seemingly at least much more accessible for fans, at least for this fan.

    Rip Off

  2. Seaside towns were amazing sources of old brand new condition and multiple copies of each.My friend Sean spent his holidays in Blackpool and not only did he find classic 1960s Marvels in 1978/79 he also brought back presents for me!Those presents were Classic Kirby FF's and Annuals 4 and 5!Spiderman Ann #5 and Shield #15.We thought it was amazing that these unsold comics would still be on sale 13 or 14 years later.It blew our minds!Southern Ireland was also a great comic source.Happy sun filled memories.Great post Kid.

  3. Y'know, I don't recall ever seeing another ish of Crazy after buying #1, RJ. I think it's the only one I ever had. Yeah, Marvel could laugh at itself with its humour comics, while still treating its action/adventure comics seriously.


    Come to think of it, TF, I think I got Spider-Man King-Size Special #6 in Blackpool one year, which was a welcome addition as it reprinted the first Annual. I think I'd already read the tale in SMCW (if not, it wasn't long after), but it was good to see it in colour without the art alterations in the UK version. It's probably too much to hope for that Blackpool still has such gems lurking in spinner-racks, eh? Shame.

  4. I love Gene Colans cartoon art very funny. Like yourself I only ever saw issue 1 on sale but I can't remember where I bought it ( I think it was in Glasgow).Ahhh Bkackpool in the early / mid 1970s was wonderful for comics wasn't it? there were piles of them everywhere all types. I remember picking up Journey into Mystery 120 (Kirbys Thor) and Silver Surfer 13 from 1965/69 respectively around 1974 on spinner racks.

  5. That's where I got SS #13, McS - Blackpool, '73 or '74. Wouldn't it be amazing if we got them in the same shop? And look at TF's comment - his pal was getting '60s comics in '78/'79 in Blackpool. Yeah, it was a great place sure enough.


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