Tuesday 4 January 2022


Copyright DC COMICS

Oops!  I forgot I had another couple of comics featuring Plastic Man, so just so you don't suspect I was trying to deprive you of anything, here they are.  I don't think I've yet read the above issue, even though I've owned it since it first went on sale, so I'll have to make a point of catching up with it some day soon.  You likee?


  1. Always liked Plas, but his stint in the JLA made him my favorite stretchy hero, surpassing Elongated Man by an elongated nose. He was actually cool in a totally obnoxious way. It gave him a new life for a time.

    Rip Off

  2. I always enjoyed Elongated Man because of the 'detective' aspect of his early stories and them being more realistic, but I'm now looking forward even more to reading the JLA/Plastic Man Special because of your comment, RJ.

  3. I’ve always had a soft spot for both Plastic Man and the Elongated man. A daft
    super power (even on Mr Fantastic) but it works for me 😊

  4. And don't forget Rubberman from Smash!, McS. You'll hurt his feelings.

  5. And Elastic Lad (Jimmy Omsen), Thin Man ( Liberty Legion) , Elasti-Girl (Doom Patrol,) and...... Jeez how many are there ?

  6. Now you're asking - I haven't a scooby, McS. I remembered Elastic Lad and Elasti-Girl after my last reply, but as to how many more...? They should form a band. (A rubber-band - boom-boom!)

  7. Flatman in a bit of a stretch….

  8. I saw what you did there, PS. Remind me who Flatman is again.

  9. Flatman first appeared in West Coast Avengers 46 at the first meeting of the Great Lakes Avengers or GLA. He can flatten himself and stretch and looks like Mr Fantastic. He went to the first GLA meeting because he thought it was the gay and lesbian alliance . He’s also a scientist and basically a parody of Reed Richards. The most famous member of the GLA is Squirrel Girl.

  10. Oh dear! It never gets any better, does it? Glad I missed it.


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